Grow (Y/N) Grow

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Obviously, it wasn't long after the Sharpie incident that the Hamato family realized just how fast (Y/N) was growing, physically and mentally. In fact, she was as big as a 3rd grader now when she was just barely the size of a football a couple months ago.

"Well I mean this is or, this should be normal for (Y/N) anyway. As far as I could tell by her DNA sample, she actually wasn't a human when she Mutated. She was a pup when she was injected with Mutagen and whatever else the Kraang had on them," Donatello explained to his family one night as (Y/N) slept.

"Dude! (Y/N) was a dog," Michelangelo asked surprised. At first Donatello facepalmed at Mikey's usual lack of intelligence before realizing no one else knew what he had ment either.

"I apologize. No Mikey, a Pup is what a newborn mouse is called. (Y/N) was born a regular white mouse, and was used for Kraang's experiments. Now what I ment was, we could only assume that since she is a mouse biologically speaking, that's why she's grown so fast. But the other issue is we don't know how long she had been experimented on. In other words she could've been a cold case with little to no reaction until around the time we met her. Science and Mutagen effects everyone differently, so her rapid growth could be a part of her body finally reacting to past experiments," Donnie rambled.

Leo hummed in thought, "but then why now? What caused the reaction to start now that she's with us?"

Master Splinter rested his paws on the shoulders of his eldest and smartest. "It could very well be exactly that my sons. Now that (Y/N) is under our care and protection, she is growing very well and healthy. She may very well had been too weak for the experiments and power to take hold in her body and mind. But now thanks to us; her family, the changes have settled inside her. (Y/N) has made it all her own painlessly, rather than be stuck suffering the pain of the experiments in the small and weak body she once had. With proper care and love (Y/N) is now able to flourish, without fear of the past holding her down in any way. For that I'm incredibly proud of you my sons," Master Splinter explained proudly as the five of them hugged, not knowing (Y/N) had woken up, listening to there conversations.

It wasn't until she had hit her leg on the pipe opposite of the one she was hanging from, that even Master Splinter realized she was out of bed, eavesdropping above them.

"(Y/N), little mice should stay in bed rather than eavesdropping on adult conversations," Master Splinter chuckled painfully at the realization that she had heard everything.

The boys stared in shock when she had dropped from the ceiling, landing in Splinter's arms as she responded. "You were talking about me while I was sleeping Papa, thats not fair. Or nice. Plus I had a nightmare. I thought- I thought Kraang got me again," she yawned ad she made her self comfortable in his Kimono.

"All those needles hurted, and when I Mutagen-aided(your term for Mutated) I thought was drowneded(drowned). My blanket acci-dentally covered my mouth and I couldn't breath again, so I thought it happened again," (Y/N) rambled as she began falling asleep again as her family listened in shock. No one would've thought she was able to remember or comprehend what happened to her before they found her.

Thankfully it didn't take long after that last statement for her to fall asleep again, her Papa clutching his daughter tightly as her brothers did their best to hold in their anger so as not to wake her up again.

"I hate to say this but...this is amazing....mainly very terrifying that she could remember all of that. She shouldn't have been able to, but there she is, talking about needles and drowning in Mutagen like it's a bedtime story. She fell asleep from that for God's sake," Donatello said, shaking in anger as tears threatened his eyes.

Everyone else stayed silent as (Y/N) smiled in her sleep, knowing she was safe with her Papa and brothers.

It was a couple weeks before anyone let (Y/N) sleep alone again.

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