Cutie Crawleys

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Leo point of view

It's only been a couple days since the party, and Raph, Don and I haven't been so tired in our life! (Y/N) is almost as energetic as Mikey when he's full of sugar! "Slow down (Y/N)- watch out," I said as I dove to catch her as she decided to crawl off the counter without looking. She just laughed at my stupid face as I got us off the floor. "Why are you so troublesome," I asked as she laughed in my face. I couldn't help melting when she laughed. I sighed as I carried her back to the couch with me again before setting her down, surfing through the TV channels for something (Y/N) could watch. Of course, that wasn't enough to get her to sit still, as she climbed off the couch and held her self up against the couch. "Hey guys, I think (Y/N)'s trying to walk! She's holding herself up against the couch," I called getting off the couch and standing just a few feet away from her. Of course Mikey was the first one to reach us. "Come on sissy! You're doing awesome! You got this," he cheered from next to me as everyone else came out to watch. "Do you want to help her Michaelangelo? Just let her hold your hands and guide her twards you," Father instructed as Mikey lit up, letting her hold onto his fingers as he slowly walked backwards. She managed to walk a few steps before getting tired and leaning against him. "Awe! She fell asleep again," Mikey pouted. Father just chuckled, "then how about you teacher to walk and help her practice for now? She can't yet due to her malnutrition, but if you practice with her everyday, it won't be long before she's running." He said. What?! Mikey gets to teach her? Of course he automatically accepts.

Mikey's point of view three days later...

Agh!!! It's so slow! (Y/N) can bearly keep up with me for two minutes! "Dad, am I doing something wrong? Why can't she keep up or walk by herself yet! You said she could run," I asked as (Y/N) had fallen asleep against me again. Dad chuckled, "I never said she'd do it automatically Michaelangelo. Now think about it this way, to you two minutes isn't very long and your bigger than she is. Now look at her, even if you just squeeze her too tightly (Y/N) could break. While most five year olds are already up and running, they had parents to teach them every step and to help them develop their muscles and strength. Believe it or not it takes alot of energy and strength to physically move your own weight. Or shall I paralyze your arm again for reference" He said asked taking (Y/N) from me. I flinched and handed her over. "No! I got it. I remember! My arm was definitely heavy! I don't need to do it again," I panicked while he laughed at me. "Just trying to help you understand my son," he finished before walking off to (Y/N)'s room for her nap.

I was still confused so I decided to go think on it or at least try to, but I decided to play Mario instead.(I've never played so please forgive me gamers!)"Awe come on! Not the shrink again! Mario's to small to climb the floating blocks now! And he'll die if he gets caught like this!," I'm trying to avoid the bad guys before I realized. "Mario and (Y/N) are the same! Our job's just to help Sissy level up and get bigger," I said as Mario died from a bomb and I ran into my room planning out all the games we could play together. "Why did Mickey just scream THANK MARIO," I heard April say from outside my door. My brother's probably said something but I'm busy!

Four days later, no POV

Since then, Mikey hadn't picked up a single video game or skate bord...Which was weird enough to his family members without watching him freak out every time (Y/N) fell down and immediately was the first to be there for her for anything she wanted. What scared him the most was watching him eat Steamed Vegetables and regular Oatmeal when it was (Y/N)'s snack time. "Uh, Mikey are you okay? You haven't touched a single Pizza in nearly a week. Are you sick? Did you spill mutagen on yourself again," Leo asked him as he watched his younger brother eating baby carrots with their little sister. "Yeah I'm fine. Helping Sissy Level up," Mikey said cheerfully as he booped his sisters nose. "(Y/N)'s totally like Mario, except without his abilities. Like when Mario gets hit by enemies, he shrinks and its harder to play until he grows back. (Y/N)'s just like him! She's small right now which makes everything harder for her! Plus she's weaker just like Mario when he's shrieked! So by playing and and everything all the time, she can get bigger and eventually level up! Look, look, she's been practicing for five minutes straight now," Mikey explained calmly as he and (Y/N) finished their snack before setting her down on the floor again.

"Come on Sissy! You almost got it," Mikey cheered as (Y/N) started wobbling along with him, holding his fingers.  It was just (Y/N), him and Leo as they practiced before Mikey accidentally got distracted letting go of (Y/N). "Yeah, she's doing grea- MIKEY YOU DID IT SHE'S WALKING! EVERYONE GET YOUR SHELLS OUT HERE (Y/N) IS WALKING," Leo shouted turning on his phone as he recorded (Y/N) walking, trying to go after Mikey. "Ahhhh! I did it! Thank you Mario and Luigi! (Y/N)'s WALKING," Mikey cheered as everyone came running in. "I never thought I'd be able to have another daughter, much less to be able to witness the moments I missed the first time," Master Splinter said quietly, crouching down as (Y/N) changed corse from walking to Michaelangelo to Running to her Papa, running straight into his arms with love and light.

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