Baby's first Trip. Part 1

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Three months after her brothers big scare, (Y/N) was finally allowed to train with them again. Not only that but, Master Splinter finally decided to allow her outside in the city for the first time. Much earlier than her brothers did.

"Master, please! It's too early for her to go," Leo worried as she and her Papa prepared for their outing.

"I disagree, Leonardo.

Truthfully, this worry your currently feeling for your sister's safety is exactly how I felt. I felt this exact worry times 4 over. And it only grew every time you and your brothers asked to explore the city yourselves. Back then, we were alone, and that loneliness and lack of support is what made me hold you and your brothers back out of fear for your safety for so long. You four were all I have left. Seeing you all, how grown and mature you've become, I feel that I've let you down by doing so," Master Splinter said regretfully as he picked up his daughter, placing a tracking chip on her ear.

"No! Not at all, Father/Dad/Master/Sensei!" All four brothers argued as the six of them started making their way into the sewers.

Master Splinter only chuckled at his sons' love and willingness to ease his worries. "But. Because I finally allowed you the freedom and experiences that you have, we are no longer alone," he continued as he pointed twards the Mutanimals waiting nearby the Lair entrance. It was true. Not only had they made many new friends and Allies, but they even found their older sister Miwa/Karai, fought with the foot and avenged their father many times, and still continue to do so.

Upon seeing their older sister as well as their friends waiting for them; the brothers' worries settled much easier, Master Splinter chuckling as they breathed a sigh of relief. "And since we are no longer alone, I believe it to be wise to ask our family for help when it's needed. I'm still your father; all five of you. I can breathe easier knowing that we have our allies to help or simply to watch you wherever you may end up." He finished.

Everyone laughed at that as they continued, though (Y/N) remained oddly quiet and in thought, clinging onto her Papa.

"So I'm not going by myself," she asked as they continued their journey through the sewers.

"ABSOLUTELY NOT/NO WAY/ NEVER/ NOT IN A MILLION LIGHTYEARS" all four brothers shouted, the worry crawling back up their nerves.

Secretly; while she knew what the outside looked like and how things operated based on what April, Karai, and the others explained to her... (Y/N) was actually nervous leaving her home, the maze that was the sewers. (Y/N) was afraid of unfamiliar people and places without her family, but she was especially afraid of meeting dogs. She could hide and hold her own well enough if anybody or any Kraang tried anything, but she DID NOT want to see any dogs. "Good. I don't wanna go alone yet. I'm scared," she whispered, climbing into her papa's outer robes to hide.

"Don't worry (Y/N). You have us! Your brothers, our Father, our friends, and your Aunties and Uncles. If anything happens, you have your skills and a major bite. And if we still get separated, just look for the closest Manhole cover and wait for us outside the Lair in the Sewers, but that is the last resort. Remember, your earing is a tracker, so we will know where you are, even if you don't see us." Leonardo said. As worried as he was for his baby sister, he didn't want (Y/N) to miss out on the things they did, like the city lights at night or playing on playgrounds at her age.

"But what if a human sees me? What about cameras?" She asked, remembering the story from their first human encounters just years ago. That spider bully guy was a meanie and weird in her opinion.

"Your brother Donatello and I've got that covered, my little genius. We were the ones to find the playground we're headed to with the help of Michelangelo. It's not often used anymore as many humans have moved out of the neighborhood area the last decade, I've hacked the street cameras to replay footage from last year, and we have charted multiple routes from the spot to the nearest Manholes on your new T-Phone, or should I say, Cheese-Phone. I suppose you could call it an early Christmas gift.

With this phone you can track us just as we do for you, and feel free to call the Mighty Mutanimals whenever you'd like." Dr. Rockwell chuckled as he handed his little niece her own mini phone: a slim flip phone in the shape and looks of a triangular block of cheese(think our Samsung Flip-Z but triangular).

"A cheese phone! A cheese phone! A C-Phone! Thank you Don-Don! Thank you Ojisan(Japanese Honorific for Uncle)!" (Y/N) cheered as she took the gift as the group made their way to the manhole cover by the park.

With her new phone and confidence given to her by her family, (Y/N) felt she was ready to take her first steps into the outside world with them by her side.

"You wanna take the first step Sissy?" Michaelangelo encouraged her as Leatherhead pushed the cover away. The moon shone bright through the hole as Master Splinter knelt down, allowing (Y/N) to the ground. As she got closer to the ladder however, her confidence wavered. Just a little. She looked between the entrance to another world and her family in her current one.

"Stay with me?" She asked. Holding her tail close. As she inched twards the light, she felt awfully cold; but just seconds later she was suddenly enveloped in warmth all around her small form as Leonardo and Raphael held her hands, and Michaelangelo and Donatello stood guard on either side of the ladder.

"Always. We won't let you go. We won't let you fall." Her Papa said softly, giving her the little push she needed to her next, and newest adventure.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18 ⏰

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