VIII. - "Where Did You Go Sweetheart? I Wasn't Done With You"

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Fukuhara Sumiko POV

Searing hot pain took over my body, yellow flashes of lightning dancing around my skin. I arched my back, refusing to fall, taking it all in. I took a deep breath and lifted my head, smiling at him.

"Oh, I remember this little game, but unfortunately for you, I grew from it."

His eyes widened when I suddenly appeared behind him, kicking him in the back and lassoing him back to me only to punch him away. My punches were weak, a result of my injury, but it's still strong. I slammed him down on the ground facing up, the edge of my katana grazing the scar I gave him on his neck.

Leaning down, "All those times you hit me with your quick, I managed to be able to absorb them. I can't control lightning. But thanks to your torture, I learned to wield it."

He stared up at me more impressed than shocked, "I would applaud you, but," He looked down to his tied body then looking back up to me, "But you're not the only one who gained something."

He disappeared. Escaping my lasso and disappearing from view. I only heard his voice.

"When you flew away from me... Oh wait, how insensitive of me," He laughed humorlessly before continuing, "When you ran away from me, I received this gift from... Father and oh, how satisfying it is for me to see you face when you saw my new quirk, along with my telekinesis and elements."

I stayed quiet, knees bent, katana in hand as my eyes darted everywhere, trying to feel where he is.

"You're getting weaker my little... fallen angel, I can tell," I gasped when I felt his breath on my ear, "it's showing."

I found myself rising further upwards until my back reached the glass ceiling of the dome, some shard piercing my back. Then I'm falling down, fast, I turned myself upright last minute, landing on my feet, creating a huge hole on the ground, smoke and dust everywhere. I stood up and the last of my weapon, a small dagger from my holster, my katana lost earlier.

I crawled out of the hole, hiding behind one of the large rocks, hoping Daisuke, who still hasn't reappeared yet, doesn't see me.

"Where did you go sweetheart? I wasn't done with you," he called out.

Across from me, were my classmates, some were still fighting, others were tending to the wounded. I locked eyes with Momo and I got an idea. So I started to sign to her, hoping she knew sign language, but once she gave me a thumbs up, I sighed in relief before looking beside her, at Shoto who started walking to where I was, I signaled him to stop. He glared at me and continued to walk, but I pleaded with him with my eyes, hoping he understood. He stopped, but glared at me for a few seconds, before nodding.

Then, again I was in the air, Daisuke probably saw Shoto walking to my direction and got the hint. I was pushed back to the mountains, breaking it in half, the large part on top of it sliding to the side where my classmates are, so I held out my arms and pushed it back.

I yelled at my classmates, "Get out of there! All of you!"

A flash of gold, then my classmates weren't there anymore.

"All Might!"

I sighed in relief, letting go of the mountain's piece and shouting, "Momo!"

Almost instantly a machine gun was thrown my way, I caught it, shifting its weight and turning to the empty space Daisuke and I were once occupying. I called out, "Where did you go sweetheart? I wasn't done with you," mocking him. Then firing.

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