☾ Chapter 41

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Hermione felt sand beneath her feet, damp and textured between the tips of her toes. White caps crashed against the shore as rain pelted against the softness of her skin, thunder rumbling in the dark sky above, clouds blackened with the threat of death.

She could not tell the difference between night and murky overcast.

Shivering from the cold, she felt a warm hand slip into her own.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?"

His grey eyes were blinded by soaked platinum blonde locks, a small smile plastered across his cheeks. It wasn't much of a smile, but it was enough.

"You're one for storms, and not snow?" Hermione spoke. Despite the pounding rain, she didn't have to shout. Her voice was quiet, tame alongside his.

"I used to hate storms," he continued, droplets of water trickling from his lips down to his jaw, "The thunder was... startling. But ever since the sky rumbled the first night I kissed you — It gives me a sense of peace."

Hermione fell silent, not wanting to remember how unpleasant that walk home had been. It felt similar to now, but more upsetting.


"I've always wanted to see the ocean," she changed the subject of their conversation, tilting her head as small fish began to wash ashore, "I never imagined it'd look like this."

She looked back towards the rising sea.

"I'm sorry the ending isn't up to your expectations."

A water spout was forming.

"Ending? What ending?"

Draco sighed, wrapping a hand around her waist.

"I said, I'm sorry it's not up to your expectations."

"No, no — you said-"

A female voice spoke from behind her, but she did not turn.

"Hermione, you need to let go..."

She awoke to fretting voices, no recollection of her dream.

Rolling over she realized she was alone beneath the bedsheets, his space besides her replaced with emptiness.

"Draco?" Hermione whispered quietly, swinging over the side of the bed, taming to her curls with her fingers. Her footsteps were muted by the rug beneath her feet, creeping slowly towards the door.

"We don't have enough resources, Blaise," Theodore murmured defensively, sounding either quite peeved or quite drunk; she could never tell the difference.

"We have her," Blaise butted in, voice strong and fair. He was sure of whatever point he was making, unknowing Hermione had her ear pressed against the wood.

"I don't want her involved," Draco exclaimed sharply, but quiet enough she wouldn't have been able to hear had she been asleep, "Not in anything dangerous."

"Oh please, you'd consider placing her in a pen full of kittens dangerous-"

"Theodore, I swear on my Mother-" Draco begun, his angry tone making her creak the door open slightly. She didn't particularly like Theodore, but there was no point in allowing him to be at the butt of Draco's fury.

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