☾ Chapter 46

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A distorted voice shouted from behind her. When Hermione's eyes opened she was on the floor, vision dizzy with nausea as liquid trickled down the base of her neck.

She'd hit her head on the floor.

She groaned as she watched the scene surrounding her, spells shooting from Draco's wand as he crawled across shattered glass to reach her, a file full of pieces of parchment tucked beneath his arm.

"Take my hand, Hermione," he grunted, blood against his hairline as she realized her own was pooling down her chest and seeping into the fabric of her shirt.

With little strength she pulled her hand out from beneath her, clasping it into his before crawling into his arms, the scene of death eaters surrounding Ollivander's folding into a small abandoned farm.

She landed beside him in the tall grass with a groan, hands shaking with nerves and hair wet with blood.

"Hermione," she felt a cold hand against her cheek, vision still slightly blurred by both tears and blinding light, "Hermione, can you hear me?"

She nodded, falling into his chest as they sat in the dewy grass in silence, drained from injuries and fighting and pure exhaustion.

"You hit your head hard," he muttered a spell over her skull, wiping the crimson with an old towel and antiseptics from his bag.

"I feel fine," Hermione huffed, "Just a little... dizzy."

"You're susceptible to migraines, Granger. We can't take any chances. I'll mail Blaise to send a package with your medication."

Hermione heaved a sigh as tears prickled her waterline, resting her forehead on his shoulder to hide the look of disappointment on her features.

He didn't need to see her face to know she was absolutely devastated.

"It'd only be for a few weeks until I know you have no side effects," he spoke softly against the crown of her head, lightly kissing her temple, "I promise. I just — I need to make sure you're healthy. This is for your safety. Everything I've done, and everything I will do is for your safety."

She nodded, allowing him to carry her inside an empty barn and place her down on a pile of dry hay.

"I'm going to check out that muggle town down the road for food. Don't go anywhere, alright? Don't try to follow me, and don't move. I don't need you getting nauseous on me, Granger."

She smiled lightly, curling up into the corner to hide herself as she twiddled the moonstone hooked around her neck between her fingers.

He slowly faded away onto the dirt path, towards the town below.

"He'll be fine," she whispered to herself over and over again, "He will be fine."


She could breathe against once he'd returned with a brown paper bag, hair melting back into it's normal shade of silver from a magically dyed dark brown.

"You feel up to eat?" He sat down beside her, unfolding two sandwiches wrapped in wax paper, "I went to a local deli downtown."

"You don't even know if I have a concussion, Draco," Hermione rolled her eyes with a smile, taking half a sandwich from his hands.

His eyes sparkled at the sound of her laughter.

"I just need to make sure my girl is safe," a sarcastic tone was laced into his voice, but the genuineness in his face revealed his true nature.

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