1. Mommy what are soulmates?

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[12 years ago]

The Little 4 yr old ran through the house and clung on to her mother's leg excited about the new information she had received by the neighbor who caught her drawing on her wrist.

Little Y/n:Mommy!
M/n:yes dear?
Little Y/n:Mommy what are soulmates?
M/n:Eh? I don't remember telling you about soulmates before... Who told you baby?
Little Y/n:The neighbors said that I was not drawing on my hand but also my soulmate's hand as well..
M/n:well let me finish up with making dinner and then I'll tell you all about it okay?
Little Y/n:okay Mommy!
M/n:good! Now go play until I call you.
Little Y/n:Okay!

Little Y/n ran up to her room and shut the door behind her. She ran over to the small chair near her dressing table and climbed on top of it. You tip toed and grabbed a notebook that you draw on before crouching down on the chair and jumping off. She ran over to a box in the corner of the room and dug out a pencil.

She ran out of the room with the book and a pencil in her hands. She ran straight to the gate in her backyard that lead to the neighbor's backyard.

She pushed it open and ran to the door of the neighbor's house. Her neighbor was a kind hearted and sweet lady.

She had told the her that she was welcome at her house whenever she wanted.

She put the notebook under her armpit as she attempt to knock on the door with one hand while holding both her book and pencil in the other.

Not too long after the neighbor opened the door and looked down at her with the sweetest smile she'd seen. She gave her a closed eye smile back and started talking.

Little Y/n:Hello Ma'am! I was wondering if I can play with Izuku!
Inko:of course you can play with him sweetie! And didn't I tell you not to call me ma'am?
Little Y/n:oh yeah.. I forgot hihi, sorry Inko!
Inko:No need to apologize Y/n..now come in! Izuku is in his room. You can go up to him.
Little Y/n:okay thanks Inko!

With that she ran past the lady and ran upstairs. She stopped In front of a door that had "Izuku" Labelled on it. She kicked the door open and screamed.


The poor greenette fell out of his spinning chair in surprise and acciden- tally bumped his head. He sat up and rubbed his head letting out a little "owie" As his eyes watered.

Little Y/n:oh no! I am SO sorry! Are you okay?

The young girl asked him trying her best not to laugh at him as it would be rude.

Little Izuku:*sniffles* y-yeah I'm okay.. Don't worry c'mon let's go to the attic!
Little Y/n:okay!
Little Izuku:what's that for?

He asked pointing at the book she was holding. But Y/n grinned and pulled him out of his room and towards the attic.

Little Y/n: I saw your notebook! And saw the hero outfits that you drew! So I wanted to make one as well!
Little Izuku:okay cool! Let me just go grab mine as well!
Little Y/n:Okay! But hurry I don't like being alone!
Little Izuku:I know and don't worry cause I won't take long!

[Your POV]

Izuku quickly ran back into his room as I made my way up the ladder and into the attic. Their attic was a bit different from mine even though we all lived in cookie cutter houses.

Their attic was a bit darker than yours but it felt cozy. There was a parrot green couch right in front of a big window. There was a mustard yellow carpet bellow the couch. The lights were dim but not too dark.

Found You Soulmate!//Denki KaminariWhere stories live. Discover now