3. Tattoo?

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[Your POV]

I was laying on my bed staring up at my ceiling thinking about my last few days at Junior High. Today was the day of the Farewell Party for 3rd Years.

After a few more days I will officially be a 1st Year High schooler. It is really nerve racking yet so exciting.

I am a bit upset that I will have to leave my friends behind, especially Bsf/n. I don't know what I'll do without her. But at least Rain is going to UA with me.

I let out a small sigh before getting up. I should really start getting ready. The party starts in 3 hours and I still don't know what I will wear.

I go down stairs and to my mom's room. I really need her help right now.

Y/n: Mom!

My mom was sitting at her desk looking at some sort of paper work. She turned her spinning chair and looked at me pushing her glasses up her nose. She smiled at me before talking.

Mom: Hey Baby, you excited for the Party today?
Y/n: yes very excited! But I need your help... The party is in 3 hours and I still don't have anything to wear..
Mom: well let me see what I can do! I have a few of my dresses when I was a High Schooler that I think will fit you.

She got up from her chair and went to her closet. She opened it and started digging through the neatly folded clothes. She took out a box from under a pile of clothes.

She walked over to her bed and set it down. She signaled me to come and take a look.

I walked over to her and opened the box. There was a beautiful pink high-low dress matched with red heels and red and white accessories.

(Credits to the artist)

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(Credits to the artist)

Y/n: Omg mom.... It's beautiful!
M/n: I'm so glad you like it.
Y/n: mom can you help me get ready?
M/n: I thought you would never ask! Let's go get you ready!

[Time Skip]

After about 2 hours and 20-ish minutes I was finally ready. The dress looked really pretty on me and I loved it. I look at myself in the mirror and grin. My mom is seriously the best makeup artist and hair dresser I could have.

M/n: Y/n! Come here! I've got something for you.
Y/n: what is mom?

I walked over to my mom who stood at her dressing table. She was holding a plastic packet. There was a piece of paper in it along with something else I can't recognize.

She opened the packet and pulled out the piece of paper and handed it to me. I looked at her and asked what it was.

M/n:haha! Open it first before asking

Found You Soulmate!//Denki KaminariWhere stories live. Discover now