7. (don't know what to name this part)

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After dinner You thanked Rain's Mother before rushing out of the house and running home.

[Time Skip]

You reached home about 30 minutes later. You unlocked the door and creaked it open a little, You then kicked it open to make your entrance ✨Badass✨.

"Mom! I'm home!" You shouted.

"Welcome back Baby!" You hear your Mom's voice from her room.

You flick your shoes off and skip to her room. You fling the door open and flop on to her bed without closing the door.

"Oi close the door you little brat" Your mum turned on her spinning chair to send you a playful glare.

You roll your eyes before rolling off the bed. You shut the door and walked over to your Mom as she examined the papers in her hand. You slid your arms around her neck from behind and leaned against her giving her a tight hug.

"How was the Exams Hun?" She asks giving you a side glance as you brought your head forward and rested your chin on her shoulder.

"It went well, I was able to do and answer most of the questions on the written exam though I'm not entirely sure if I'll pass... But I am positive that I'll be able to pass the practical Exam!" You grinned happily.

"Is that so? Then I guess I'll make F/f for you tomorrow!" She clapped her hands.

"Mmm~ Yay! Thank you Mom!" You straightened yourself.

You reached out and grabbed a pen from your Mom's desk, you walked over to the bed and layed down facing the ceiling.

"Guess who I met today?" You asked as you uncapped the pen and brought it to your wrist.


You neatly wrote on your wrist.

Hey Soulmate~

"Bakugo Katsuki"

You put the pen down and rolled over on your stomach.

"Ehh?? Really? How is he?"

"He seems to be doing well.. He grew a lot taller too"

"I thought so! I mean you guys are 15 now so of course you'll grow taller! Did he recognize you?" She asked ask she turned to look at you.

"Nope I don't think so, I also only recognized him after he told me his name, it was expected though.. I only met him once before we moved"

Sup Sunshine! ~

"I also saw Izuku-kun! But I wasn't able to talk to him..." You sighed.

"I'm sure you'll see them again soon, you did promise that you'll get into UA together right?" She asked while eyeing the writing on my hand.

"Right, and I want a big feast when I get the letter" I said with a grin and faced my mom.

"Sure sure whatever, now go to your room and talk to your boyfriend cause he's waiting" She said and turned her spinning chair back towards her desk.

I walked towards the door before stopping and walking backwards to the bed and grabbed the pen before sprinting out and up the stairs. I jumped on my bed and got comfortable.

Sorry I took a while to talk again... Or write, I was talking to my mom so I had to wait a bit to speak to ya.

It's all good Sunshine, I was able to get changed because of that.

Get changed?

I was in the shower when you wrote to me, I kinda sprinted out and forgot to dry myself so I slipped and fell in my room.

LMAO XD you didn't have to write back immediately ya know

I know but I wanted to, talking to ya is really fun so I didn't wanna miss a chance to talk.

Riiiiiight~~ anywayy I have biiiiig news.

What's up beautiful?

I just finished the entrance exam to my dream hero school!

No way...


I just came home from my entrance exam too..

Omg! Do you think we went to the same entrance exam??

That's what I am thinking, I hope so


Hey do you think we'll get accepted?

I think I did good in the practical exam, the written exam was a pain in the A$$.

Well that's good! But... What if I don't get accepted?! Will I never be able to meet you!?

"Sending virtual slap..."


"Virtual slap sent!"

What is that?

You're supposed to slap yourself for me cause I can't do it myself, whatever! Stop being negative, be confident in yourself like "I'm gonna be able to get in, I'm cool, I'm hot, I'm great!"

Lol noted, I'll make sure to be more positive from now on.

Hehe well I'm gonna go take a shower and get ready for bed,
Talk to ya tomorrow~
Bye Bae~♡

Aight Goodnight My..
Buzzy Beautiful Sunshine Nugget♡
Bye princess~

Has anyone learned the periodic table?
Never mind stupid question!
See ya in the next part!

Word Count: 802

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