Chapter Eight - Support

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I woke up in a cold sweat.

Rimmer was instantly by my side. I still couldn't see, but I could feel his presence, and he took my hand in both of his as he reassured me everything was fine. I felt like I'd said something stupid the night before, but I couldn't remember.

I did remember thinking to myself about realising I was in love with him, however.

I was shaking a lot, my breathing laboured. I felt like I had when I'd had the flu in the past, but ten times worse. "Ar-Arnold?" I asked, scared because I still couldn't see.

"I'm here." he replied, his voice quivering as he tried to hold back his own scared emotions.

I threw myself toward him, being easily caught in his arms. He held me as I shook against him, I felt so weak, so exhausted and scared.

"It's ok, it's ok." He soothed as I cried into his shoulder. I stayed like that for a few minutes, hugging him, trying to calm myself.

After a moment, he lifted me, settling down in the bed himself with my curled against him, hearing his simulated heartbeat next to my head and feeling his breathing under me. "You're safe, now."

I stayed there for the rest of the night. Falling in and out of consciousness, the pain ebbing out only to come back more painful a moment later. He continued to hold me, stroking a hand up and down my spine, through my hair, stroking my cheek with his thumb.

I don't know what I'd do without him there with me... Now that we both knew how the other felt, I can't imagine ever returning to how we were before.

I woke up at what I assumed to be the morning, shivering as the cool air swam against my skin. Looking over, I could see Rimmer curled up on his side, facing me, asleep.

I glanced around. My eyes landed on Rimmer again, I could see... There was still a slight blur, but I could actually see him.

I softly shifted the loose curls at the front of his head back, wondering what had happened, when the pain from the day before rippled through my entire being and I curled up on myself, biting into my lip to stop from screaming out.

Rimmer woke up as I whimpered slightly. "You're fine, you're ok..." he reassured me as he stroked my hair away from my face.

I shook my head. "No..." I managed to gasp out, but clamped my hand over my mouth in fear as it came out disjointed, broken. It wasn't like my own voice... "Help me..." I begged quietly.

"What do I do?" he asked frantically, his eyes wide with fear. I slipped into unconsciousness as the last word left his lips.

It took a few minutes for me to wake up. The pain was fading in and out.

I just felt exhausted, curled on my side, unable to tell if this was real life or another dream. Upon noticing I was awake again, Rimmer ran over, wrapping me in his arms. "I've got you, you're safe..." he whispered, but his own voice was shaky, scared.

I burrowed into his chest, taking in a shuddering breath as reality and a dream warred inside my head, the pain only serving to make the situation worse. "I'm sorry..." I heard myself whisper.

"Don't apologise, love..." he whispered into my hair, holding my close as if he'd lose me if he let go. "Holly!" He called out to the computer. "How close are we to figuring out what's happening?"

The usual face appeared on the screen. "Undetermined, Arnold. Lister, the Cat and Kryten are attempting to figure things out."

"Do it, then," Rimmer ordered.

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