Chapter Eleven - Ace

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A familiar beeping noise stirred me from sleep, and I groggily pushed myself up. What the hell was going on? Another beep, then a buzz. "What the..."

"Ughhhhh... Lister set an alarm for the first time in ever..." Rimmer groaned next to me, calling out for Holly to turn the alarm off, wrapping his arms around my back and nuzzling as close to me as he could.

I chuckled, affectionate smeghead... "You look worse for wear, A." I turned in his arms, letting him koala around my front instead of my back.

He whined, hangover from hell apparently. "Holly, can you give Rimmer some aspirin and water, please?" I asked the computer, and a moment later, Rimmer seemed a little better. He still looked tired and hungover though. "Better?"

He smiled adoringly, nuzzling against my neck. "Thank you..." he placed a couple of soft, tickling kisses to my neck. I shoved him off with a giggle, taking a drink of water from the side of my bed and groaning in pain as my tooth screamed at me.

"You alright?" Rimmer asked, a genuine worry in his tone.

I waved him off. "Yeah, it's nothing. My tooth just hurts from being asleep in the wrong position. I'm fine."

He stroked my cheek with his hand, a grin slowly coming across his tired face. "Want me to kiss it better?"

I snorted. "You goofball." He leaned forward placing a peck to my cheek. I giggled, kissing him on the cheek in retaliation. "Want to spend all day in bed?" I suggested, earning a grateful look.

"That sounds amazing." He smiled softly, laying back down and pulling me into laying atop him. I got comfy, nuzzling down and wrapping an arm over his waist, my leg resting atop his own. His arm stroked my spine, the other resting on my arm. He kissed my head, before sighing in content and closing his eyes again.

A day in bed with Rimmer sounded amazing, especially when a hangover was involved. "Hey, rimmer?"


"This wasn't just my idea."


"You wanted the alcohol~" I smirked against him.

He tutted, shaking his head dramatically. "Since when do we listen to my ideas?"

I giggled, nuzzling his chest. "Since always, silly."

He smiled, closing his eyes as we just lay there.


We lazily woke up, the sun shining through our window and into our eyes.

"Finally awake?" Lister's voice drifted from his bunk. OK, it wasn't sun, there wasn't sun in space, it was Lister shining a light at us.

"Hangover." Rimmer simply answered, his eyes still closed. "Go away, gimboid." He grumbled at Lister, pulling me closer.

I giggled, pecking him on the cheek. "Come on, I reckon it's time for us to get up."

He groaned again like a child, tightening his grip on me, making me laugh even more. "Rimmer, you're squishing me!"

"Sorry, my little teddy."

"Little teddy?" I smirked.

Something hit me on the head, and I opened my eyes wider.

Lister had thrown a pillow at us. "You two are sickening." He shook his head, but smiled. "So sweet I'm getting cavities!"

I threw the pillow back, catching him off guard as it whacked him in the face with a soft 'buff.'

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2021 ⏰

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