Chapter Nine - Beach Day

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"Kryten said there's a planetoid nearby, do you wanna see if there's a beach there, or use the AR machine?" I offered, smiling as he rubbed his thumb over my knuckles.

"I don't care, I don't care, and I don't care!" he said, raising his arms in the air with a small grin. "I just want to be there with you."

I felt myself fully blush at his admission, I wasn't so used to Rimmer being this forward. "OK." I smiled. "I'll tell Kryten to check out the planetoid."

He dropped his arms and smiled. "Perfect, I'd hate to think we're actually there to work." I giggled at him being silly and care free for once.

I stood and made my way to Kryten in the other room, asking him to set course for the planetoid we'd passed. I thanked him and headed back to the bunk room, where Rimmer was getting his beach stuff ready. "Looking good, Rimsy." I smirked, watching him as he moved around in just a shirt and shorts.

He chuckled, coming over to me and taking my hands in his. "I hate not wearing layers." He admitted with a pout.

"Me too. But it'll be fun, yeah?"

He nodded with a smile. "Yeah." He kissed my knuckles, his grin widening.

"Should I ask the others if they want to come?" I asked.

"I've already invited them, they seem interested." He told me, pulling me further into the room.

"I wonder if we'll meet anyone else on this ball of dirt." I mused.

"Hey!" Rimsy jested, poking my ribs with his finger.

I giggled, jumping away from his poking, I was ticklish. "Stop it!" I laughed, grabbing his hand.

Lister walked into the room to grab his own beach stuff and pointed at the door. "Should I come back later, or?" He joked, but his smile showed he was ok with us. So that's what the knowing looks were about... Rimmer and Lister must have had a talk about everything before I'd woken up...

Rimmer rolled his eyes and waved him off. "It's fine, you can come in." His tone shifted slightly to a more defensive one, as always when the others were involved.

Lister picked up the beach bag and walked towards the door, turning around midway there. "So are ya gonna wear a bikini?" He grinned cheekily, making me laugh.

Rimmer threw a pillow at him. "Lister!" He warned, but not fully serious.

Lister caught the pillow in his free hand and threw it back. "You know you like it!"

Rimmer raised his hands to protect him from the pillow, but I caught it before it could hit him. "Go get the others ready, Lister, you know Cat will take forever, otherwise." I told him with a smile.

He gave a tiny salute and left us to it.

"Let's get this show on the road, baby!" I said, winking at Rimmer who winked back.

He was blushing from ear to ear but it was good to know the small inside jokes we had while friends were still on the table with whatever it was our relationship was turning into.

I placed the pillow down and took Rimmer's hand, leading him to the door while pulling him behind me. "Cat will take forever if we don't give him a time limit!"

He laughed, letting me lead him down the corridors toward the shuttle bay.

The closer we got to it, the more nervous he looked, I couldn't tell if it was from the anxiety or the possibility of getting accosted by a non-human life form while away from the ship.

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