Updog, Bubblegum and Date

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These are real games for anyone wondering.

It was mid-afternoon, and that left only Shadowmaru in the Decker Room, waiting for Power Joe and Gunmax, both of whom were supposed to be on duty with him. Not that it mattered all that much if they weren't. The criminals of Japan were now well educated in the fury and passion that the Brave Police held for their jobs, so most of the harder criminals were in hiding, and smaller emergencies were not often disastrous enough to enlist the help of a Brave robot. Shadowmaru kept his gaze fixed on the shuriken in his hand, carefully running a file over the shining gold metal. The opening of the door announced the arrival of Power Joe, who was flipping through a file in his hand. "Konichiwa, Power Joe-danna." the purple-clad ninja greeted, causing the yellow Mech to lift his gaze from the paper to his friend's face. "Heya, 'Maru," the power shovel continued to stand in his place in front of the door until he spoke again. "Hey, 'Maru. According to Toudou-san's scans, you apparently have 'updog'." Power Joe's voice was unusually serious, causing Shadowmaru to lift his head with a confused expression. "What is 'updog'?" he asked. Power Joe's serious expression then broke into a wide grin and he burst out laughing. "You owe me a can of premium fuel, Gunmax! I told you I could get him to do it!" Shadowmaru, having realized that he had been tricked, angrily threw his shuriken at the power shovel's helm. The yellow Mech yelped and ducked as the shuriken slammed into the wall where his head had been but a second ago, and he raced out the door, laughing his aft off. "SHIMATA!" Shadowmaru growled as he sat in his chair, arms crossed and sulking. "That was actually pretty smart, little brother. He got you to say 'dog'," came a voice from the ceiling. "SHUT UP, KAGEROU! AND DON'T ENCOURAGE HIM!" More laughter came from the ceiling as his brother echoed his best friend's amusement. Shadowmaru growled again.

"More Magnum bullets, extra magazines..." Deckerd murmured to himself as he did inventory on the Braves' gun supplies. He was still trying to figure out supplies for the shotguns that McCrane and Gunmax used when the biker Mech himself came sauntering into the store room, his usual cocky smirk on his face and his hip cocked. "Yo, patoka, wanna play the Bubblegum game?" he asked, his ever-present smirk widening somewhat. Deckerd looked up, confused by the English words that came out of his partner's mouth. "What?" "I said, do you wanna play the Bubblegum game?" Even in Japanese, it didn't make much sense, but Deckerd nodded anyway, hoping that this wouldn't take much time. "How do you play the Bubblegum game?" The blue patrol car asked, wondering if he really wanted to know. "Don't worry, Dekkado. It's not that bad. I'ma ask you questions, and you have to keep track of them, understand?" Gunmax looked triumphat when Deckerd nodded again, so he launched into it. "Where was I built?" the blue Mech thought a moment. "Detroit, Michigan." "When's my creation day?" "August 7th." said Deckerd dryly. "Awesome, you remember! Anyway, what's my optic color?" "Gunmax, what are you doing?" Deckerd was getting a little bit exasperated at the pointless questions. "Uh, uh, uh, baby. Gotta answer the question." "Orange, like mine." "What was the first question I asked?" The patrol car looked up again, startled by the sudden change in the biker's tone. "Where was I built." He answered, but Gunmax's smile widened into a full blown grin as he answered, "Nope. It was 'Do you wanna play the Bubblegum game?'. You lost, patoka." The confused look on Deckerd's face caused Gunmax to burst out laughing, before he turned his heel and walked out again, still laughing and crowing to Power Joe. The Brave Detective just stood there, confused as all hell.

"Afternoon, Duke.'' The Knight Detective looked up from his computer, where he was video-chatting with Bishop, and looked at the only female as she walked over. "Afternoon, Jacquin." He answered as Bishop called out his own greetings, the Mecha sat down on the desk beside Duke's computer, legs crossed. "Hey, Duke. Who do you hate?" She asked, the Knight looked at her with a critical eye. "He hates Monty Python, for one thing." King had butt into the conversation by then, a grin on his face at the look on Duke's. "I hate King," the white Mech answered eventually, gritting his denta. Jacquin looked a bit disappointed and said, "Well then, that's your date." Duke looked at her in confusion as the Mecha got up and began to saunter towards the door, her wings twitching up and down in silent laughter. "Wait, what?" Jacquin was almost out the door when Duke finally realized what she'd said. "WAIT, WHAT?!" The combined laughter of King, Bishop and Jacquin caused Duke to blush in embarrassment for his outburst. "Bloody hell," the Knight mumbled as he sat down again, leaning his helm in his hand and groaning.

The scene with Jacquin and Duke is a spoiler for later!

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