A Little Too Not Over You (Pt 2)

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"It's for the best, I know it is.

But I see you,

Sometimes I try to hide, what I feel inside."


It was hard to wait that one month, but it was worth it. Arriving a few hours before the start of the Ball, King and the others had gotten themselves ready before they left to get on the plane, and now, they were in Tokyo. The Policeman's Ball was being held in a large, old-fashioned ballroom near the center of Tokyo, and there were a lot of humans there, though finding their Japanese cousins wasn't that hard. McCrane, ever the watchful one, had spotted them first. Granted, it was impossible to miss King. Even in his human-sized body, King stood well over 6' 7'' tall, so again, impossible to miss. The Braves greeted each other, everyone laughing when Drill Boy called for Bishop and the two youngest bots collided in a hug. Though he greeted Deckerd and Duke with respect for their ranks, King kept an eye out for Jacquin. He saw Kagerou and Shadowmaru, but he had yet to see the dark green Mecha. "Where's Jacquin?" he asked Kagerou in Japanese, the avian Mech looked at him. "When she heard that her old teammates from Italy were attending, she wanted to be at the airport to greet them. They'll be here soon." the ninja patted King's shoulder. Jacquin had informed him and Shadowmaru about her relationship with King a few weeks before the Ball. She did not tell Duke, however, since King was his brother, and she was unsure of how he would react. As the SYBPs and JBPs mingled, bellowing laughter several octaves louder than the chatter of the human guests rang through the room. Easily parting the crowd was Jacquin, leading a group of multi-colored robots towards the Braves' spot on the outer edge of the ballroom. The one that had laughed was a bulky bronze Mech that resembled Dumpson, who walked beside her. "... and then, I fell into the water, still hanging onto Hermes. It was then that I discovered that the poor kid couldn't swim, and I was thinking, 'What the heck, man?'." Jacquin chuckled as the Mech finished his tale, joining up with the main group. "Minna, this is my team from Italy. This is our leader, Roman," the darker-colored, gold-faced Deckerd doppelganger nodded his head in greeting. "Olympus, his second-in-command." Olympus resembled Power Joe, causing the power shovel to scratch his head. "Athens," the brown and yellow Mech that resembled Pawn didn't do anything, he just stared at a point on the wall. "Sparta," the bronze Mech waved, though he paused a minute when he caught sight of Dumpson, noting the similarity in frame, as well as the obvious difference in alt-mode kibble. While Dumpson turned into a dump truck, Sparta was a cement mixer, with the sides of his mixer being fixed onto his arms. "Hephaestus," the smoky-colored Duke-lookalike just grunted, looking over the lavish ballroom with slight discomfort. The flame-decals on his wrists and shoulders made his name make sense, since, according to Greek mythology, Hephaestus was the Greek god of fire. And, according to his file, he served as the team's "medic" and mechanic. "Hermes," the young white jet flicked his wings in excitement when Drill Boy and Bishop both bounded over to talk with him, the three becoming fast friends. "And Bastet." Jack's jaw dropped when he spotted Bastet, the multi-changer leaning against a pillar and glancing secretively around the room, her gaze hidden by the reflective material of her visor. The Wild Card cleared his vocalizer and sauntered over, smirking at the light blue Mecha. "Well, hello there." he greeted in English, causing her to raise a hidden optical ridge. Ace face-palmed in annoyance. "Jack..." "Watch it, dumb-aft. I'm taken." Bastet told him sharply, causing Jack to stand up straight with a suspicious look. "By who?" His question went unanswered when the Mecha ignored him in favor of talking to Gunmax, who shared a frame with her. Meanwhile, King walked up behind Jacquin, feeling nervous. He cleared his vocalizer quietly and tapped her shoulder. "Jacquin?" she turned around to look at him in surprise. "Oh, Ringo. How are you?" she asked, sounding as nervous as he felt. "Uh, good, good. H-how are you?" Hell's bells, he sounded like a lovestruck idiot again, trying to make conversation with the Mecha he loved. Jacquin nodded, a little embarrassed, before lightly flicking her wing towards a little room off to the side for a little privacy. King followed her, wondering what else to say. They stood in silence for a moment before King pulled out his picture from a compartment in his arm. "I brought this with me, I thought it would do some good to see it again." he handed it to the Mecha, watching her face. Jacquin put a hand over her mouth as she gazed at the picture. It was the same one that King had found in the office a month ago, and Jacquin had not seen it in a long time. "I almost forgot about this, I've been so busy." she said, handing the picture back to him with considerable care. "Jacquin?" Ringo turned to see Duke standing in the doorway, a soft frown etched into his face when he caught sight of the picture in his brother's hand. "You said you wanted to speak with me?" the knight then turned to Jacquin, who nodded and beckoned him over. Duke wrapped an arm around her waist and kissed her lips lightly. The look on King's face said it all.

Poor King gets the news. How will he react?

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