Ace vs Creepers

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This one goes out to all the Minecraft noobs with similar frustrations.

The green and navy Mech narrowed his light orange optics at a certain yellow triple-changer, who was sitting at his desk and playing some game that looked like it was made of blocks. Ace walked up behind Ten and said, "Ten, we've talked about this! No video games during office hours!" The yellow Mech jumped in his seat and looked behind him. "Bloody hell, Ace! Don't scare me like that," snapped Ten before turning his attention back to his game. "I'm busy." The lionformer shook his head and went to turn the console off, when Ten grabbed his wrist. "Wait, before you do that. How about I make you a deal?" said the yellow Mech, watching his friend. Ace raised an optical ridge. Ten never made deals, but since he was offering... "What did you have in mind?" Asked the green lion warily, causing the younger Mech to grin broadly. "Ok, so how about this? I'll do all my paperwork for the next year on time, without complaining or pushing it off, if you can master this game." The request caused Ace to raise his metal brows in surprise. He turned to the screen and studied the game Ten continued to play. It seemed easy enough. Heck, it had to be easy if Ten was playing it. Ace made up his mind and warily asked, "What's it called?" The younger Mech smirked and said, "Minecraft."

It had been a week since Ten had made Ace that deal, and the lionformer had begun to play the weird pixelated game in his off-time. Currently, it was two o'clock on a Tuesday afternoon when John Bishop walked into the Brave-sized bullpen to find Ace on his computer, staring at the screen like Ten on a new game. His face was scrunched up in concentration and he looked as though he had been at this for a while now. The light blue Mech walked closer to peer over his comrade's green-and-navy shoulder. "Oh, you're playing Minecraft? That's cool, it's a fun game." said Bishop as he set his papers down on King's desk for sorting. Ace barely heard him though, his entire focus was on the game that was not at all his friend. Bishop looked at the screen again and saw a creature that looked like a green pillar with four tiny legs and a scary face. "Uh, Ace? You should probably-" John was cut off when the creature exploded and killed Ace's character. "FOR THE EVER LOVING-! THAT'S THE FIFTY-SEVENTH TIME THAT THING'S KILLED ME!!!!" shrieked Ace as he fought to the urge to throw his poor keyboard against the nearest wall. Bishop winced at the highly unnecessary volume that was so unlike the usually calm second-in-command. Deciding to take his leave, Bishop just tip-toed out of the bullpen, leaving Ace to his game.

At the end of two weeks, Ace dragged himself into the bullpen and plopped down in his seat, slapping a can of premium fuel in front of Ten, who grinned like the Cheshire Cat. "Had enough?" Asked the younger Mech teasingly, taking the fuel and putting it in one of his desk drawers for later. The slightly older Mech only groaned in response and just barely lifted his head to look at Ten. "What are those green exploding things?" He asked tiredly, Ten's grin grew even wider. "They're called Creepers. You know, like the vine, except these explode." He informed the other, loving the exhausted groan that came from his superior. George Pawn, Rook's brother, glanced at Ace from where he sat beside his twin and asked, "How many times did they kill you?" Jacquin piped up from her seat in between King and Bishop, right across the room. "About one-hundred and thirty-two times if the film on my cameras is correct." Ace groaned again. "You filmed me?" The green-and-black Mecha shrugged with a silly little grin and said, "Ten asked me to. Said we were gonna get a kick out of watching you get frustrated with that game. Guess he was right, 'cause I just uploaded an edited video of all of Ace's reactions onto the Internet." The others gathered around the beastformer's console to watch as she played the video. The next fifteen minutes and thirty-two seconds were spent laughing at Ace's reactions to his character dying from being blown up by Creepers, and each reaction was funnier than the last. The navy Mech just slid out of his chair and headed to the scaled-up showers, telling a wheezing King that he was spending the rest of the day catching up on all the sleep he lost trying to figure out that game. But, then again, that's what you get for making a game-related deal with Ten. As he pinged for the shower to start, Ace muttered, "Stupid Minecraft. Stupid Creepers. Stupid Ten."

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