A Little Too Not Over You (Pt 3)

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"And I turn around, you're with him now.

I just can't figure it out.

Tell me why you're so hard to forget,

Don't remind me, I'm not over it.

Tell me why, I can't seem to face the truth.

I'm just a little too not over you."


Jacquin was quiet as she glanced between her old love and her new one, wondering what to say. She truly loved Duke, but what she'd felt for Ringo had truly been mere physical attraction. King was impressive, and at times, hard to look away from, but Duke had a personality that she could relate to. It was his personality, his heart, that she looked for in a loving partner, not just physical looks. That was a bonus. King just didn't have what Duke had, and even she wasn't sure about what "that" was. "So when did this happen?" King asked suspiciously, glancing at Jacquin as if he was expecting her to deliver some kind of punchline. When none came, King seemed to deflate slightly before glaring at Duke. The white knight lifted his chin and looked down his nose at his elder brother. "About seven months ago, why do you ask?" It was unusual for Duke to sound so controlled, as though he were keeping his emotions from flooding his voice. Ringo bristled. "I'm asking because I'm genuinely curious, is all. I had no idea that Jacquin would even think about hooking up with you." the firetruck sneered, Jacquin looked up sharply in surprise while Duke's lips pulled back into a snarl. "Don't you DARE talk about Jacquin with such blatant disrespect! She accepted me as a partner last Valentine's, and since then, she has been nothing short of nervous about you finding out! And I understand where she's coming from, if this is your reaction." Duke had calmed for that last sentence, but Jacquin was startled to discover that he'd known, though for how long, she couldn't tell. What she could tell, however, was how hurt King looked. The huge Mech mumbled an apology before heading out of the little room, headed for his team. Jacquin made to go after him, but a soft sigh from her love made her stop. On Duke's face was a look that matched the one Ringo wore a moment ago, though his expressed regret as well. "I'm sorry," he murmured. "I shouldn't have spoken to him like that." "Oh, Knighto." she cooed softly, gently cupping his face in her hand. "How long have you known?" Ashamed green optics looked at her. "I guess I've known all along, what you and Ringo used to have. But when I heard you talking to Kagerou and Shadowmaru a few weeks ago, everything seemed to fall into place." Jacquin placed her forehead against his, feeling like an idiot. "I just hope I haven't hurt the relationship you still have with Ringo, I can't bear to see him hurt." she murmured, Duke mumbled an agreement. "Nothing that hasn't already been strenuous, I assure you." he replied dryly. The quiet moment was broken when Jacquin's old teammate, Hermes, popped his head inside and announced that the dance was starting. Once he'd left, Duke held out an arm for Jacquin, which she accepted with little hesitance. Exiting the room, Jacquin saw King speaking with Roman and Deckerd in the far corner, since none of them would be dancing. She wanted to talk to him, ask him if he was alright, but she was interrupted by a sputtering Sparta. Turning, the ornate beastformer allowed herself to laugh aloud when she saw Ayako, dressed in a light purple low-back dress, tugging on Sparta's arm, most likely mistaking the cement mixer for Dumpson. And speak of the devil... "OY! What do you think you're doing?!" Dumpson thundered at poor Sparta, who was still trying to extract himself from Ayako's grip. "Ehhh?" The redhead looked between Dumpson and Sparta in complete confusion before realizing that she'd grabbed the wrong person. "Oopsie! My bad, sorry!" With that correction in mind, Ayako grabbed her fiance's hand and tugged the red wrestler out onto the dancefloor. But not before Dumpson quietly threatened Sparta about touching his girl. Seia, in her light blue, scoop-neck dress with a slit in the left side that went to her knee, took McCrane's offered hand and joined her soon-to-be brother- and sister-in-law. Not for the first time, Power Joe had no one to dance with but Kagerou, who pulled his best friend to the side for some silly dancing. Drill Boy, Bishop and Hermes had taken up an entire corner all to themselves, doing some form of Ring-Around-The-Rosy with just the three of them, while Shadowmaru offered to dance with Kurumi, who had spared one glance at her family before taking 'Maru's hand and twirling away. Gunmax sat at a table, silently sipping from his flask as he watched the couples, both human and robot, dance. With him were the Card Fighters (minus Jack), the twins and the Costruzione Crew. Jack himself was standing beside Bastet and commenting on how fun dancing was, hoping that she'd get the hint. When she didn't, he opened his mouth to ask her before she called out, "Hephaestus, please ask me to dance before this buffoon does!" The Wild Card went slack-jawed when the dark grey Mech took Bastet away, sputtering about unfairness and all sorts of other unpleasant things. Jacquin and Duke joined her friends near the center of the dancers, and when the music began, they danced a slow waltz. Once again, Jacquin found herself forgetting why she had been upset, leaning her forehead on Duke's windshield. The music was slow, and the beat thumped through her sensory net, a very pleasant sensation when combined with the soft rumble of her love's powerful engine. They danced in silence through four dances before retiring to the back wall where the Braves sat. Gunmax had fallen into recharge in his seat, his head on Jack's shoulder. The Wild Card himself was also asleep, as were Kagerou and Power Joe, both of whom sat on the floor, the power shovel's head on the ninja's chest. They looked cute like that, if the camera in Drill Boy's hands was any indication. But eventually, the actual reason for the ball began, as several speakers came up to the stage and the guests took their seats.

So... that just happened. Poor Sparta, poor Kage and PJ if Drill Boy keeps those pictures! ;)

Stay tuned, and stay safe!

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