The Unwritten Rules of the Brave Police

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This is not a real chapter, read at your own risk.

Just kidding, enjoy!


1. Make Yuuta cry, and Deckard will make you cry.

2. No one talk to McCrane or Pawn before they refuel in the morning.

3. Tease the techs at your own risk (They give as good as they get).

4. Knock before opening the ceiling panel.

5. Don't scare Dumpson when he's working out, or McCrane while he's cleaning his shotgun.

6. Never mention Power Joe's relationship issues, or lack thereof.

7. Making comparisons between World of Warcraft and the Scotland Yard Team is not a good idea.

8. Touch Gun Bike, and Gunmax will take your fingers.

9. Saying "Magic isn't real" in front of Bishop will result in feet being frozen and hair being set on fire.

10. NEVER offer Drill Boy caffeine.

11. The following words should not be said in the bots' presence; Gaizonite, Inti, Hamelin, Lua...

12. Anonymously mailing Mr. Saejima a pink bunny onesie was funny ONCE.

13. Replacing Deckerd's handcuffs with pink fuzzy ones was funny ONCE (unless your name is Gunmax).

14. Teasing Shadowmaru while he's sharpening his shurikens will result in a bad experience.

15. Putting Gunmax and Jack in the same room is the fastest way to cause Deckard to have a complete mental breakdown. (PS. adding Jacquin to this mix is not a good idea).

16. If you see Rook, he can see you. If you can't see Rook, you may be seconds away from getting pranked.

17. Waking Ace up in the morning with the opening theme from The Lion King gets really old, really fast.

18. Fastest way to fluster Ace; compliment him.

19. Fastest way to make Ace tear your face off; tell him that Duke is better than King.

20. There will be no downloading Pokemon Go or other games onto the comm badges. (Ten, that means you).

21. DO NOT under ANY circumstances give Ace or Jacquin catnip tea.

22. DO NOT inquire as to the existence of BP model numbers prior to #110.

23. Incessantly questioning Gunmax about "Mic" and his reasons for calling will earn yourself a visit from mysterious men in black suits and sunglasses.

24. Stealing Drill Boy's soccer ball and popping it will result in your vehicle being impounded. Into the ground. By Dumpson.

25. Touching Duke or Jacquin's helm wings without permission is not a good idea. (On second thought, don't touch anyone's wings, on the helm or otherwise).

26. If Kagero looks and/or sounds angry, RUN! (This goes for Jacquin as well).

27. Asking for an arm wrestling contest between Build Tiger and Goldymarg is PROHIBITED! Anyone caught investigating such behavior will be fined, court martialed and jailed. If the prohibited occurs, they will be charged for damages.

28. Calling any of the Bots "Robocop" was funny ONCE!

29. Calling any of the Bots "Super Fighting Robots" was cute ONCE!

30. If Regina calls King by all three of his names, RUN!

31. If Drill Boy, Gunmax, Jacquin or Rook looks happier than normal, someone is going to get pranked. If they all look happier than normal at the same time, RUN!

32. When it comes to the Build Team, making the youngest sad will make the eldest grumpy.

33. Duke does have a sense of humor and he can out-do Gunmax and Jacquin when it comes to sarcasm. You have been warned.

34. Laser pointers are not permitted in either HQ, because then Shadowmaru, Jacquin AND Ace will all go after the "red bug".

35. Dumpson is no longer taking fashion advice, so don't even bother him with it.

36. McCrane doesn't believe in using violence to solve his problems, but he will show you just how many ways he has to mess you up.

37. Replacing McCrane's favorite shotgun with a painted squirtgun was funny ONCE.

38. If you mention Ken Shinjo's name within the vicinity of Kagero and he hears it, you had better run like the Unmaker himself is on your heels because he probably is.

39. Making size jokes directed at Ringo King, in the vicinity of King, is not a good idea.

40. Touch Bobby without Jacquin's permission, you'd better run to the nearest nuclear bomb shelter and stay there. (Jacquin has a sixth sense when it comes to her pets).

41. Dressing Deckerd up as a girl while he's sleeping is always funny, but do so at your own risk. No one will save you if Deckerd finds out.

41 part 2. NEVER pull this prank on Jacquin, the reason should not have to be explained.

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