That's My Idiot Brother

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"You're an interesting man, Mr. Barnes," The woman giggled. Her red hair fell gracefully from under her dark hat. She looked at Bucky through her long lashes. 

"So I've heard," Bucky flashed her a grin. He knows that all he has to do is flash a smile in order for women to fall at his feet. It was something that he has known for a long time. Unlike many guys, however, he didn't take advantage of them. He saw no harm in flirting with them, but it rarely went beyond that. 

"Why don't we-" the woman began, but Bucky was on his feet already making his way towards the exit. 

"Damn it, Rogers," Bucky swore. He quickly apologized and excused himself before leaving. 

His feet hit the ground as he rushed through the streets of Brooklyn. He pushed past the people rushing about, hoping to find his scrawny friend. Despite being an adult, Steve couldn't take care of himself. Well, he could, just not when it came to fights. Knowing Steve, he'd stand up for someone and get himself punched in the process. 

Bucky had checked every alley, knowing Steve was most likely there. He had seen the blonde leave the bar, but lost him in the crowd. 

"What'd you say, punk?" A deep voice growled lowly. 

And...I found him, Bucky thought bitterly. 

"I said it's not nice to attack a woman," Steve said in a strong voice despite his small size. 

A young woman rushed from the alley in panic. She was in such a rush, she didn't even see Bucky. 

"I think you should mind your own business," another voice growled. 

A low grunt of pain sounded before Bucky stepped in. It took a moment for his eyes to adjust to the darkness of the alley but nonetheless drew the attention away from Steve. 

"Why don't you pick on someone your own size?" 

Bucky's fist flew towards one of the guy's nose. The bully stumbled back but quickly recovered. 

Unfortunately, Bucky didn't anticipate the size of the men Steve picked a fight with. One was nearly twice the size of him and the other was the same size as Bucky. Another thing Bucky didn't know was the third guy, who sprung into action the moment Bucky punched the first guy. 

Bucky barely had enough time to duck as a fist flew towards his face. The guy that had swung at him hit the wall instead. 

Steve had jumped back in the fight only to fall again once a fist struck his face. 

But if Steve Rogers was anything, it was resilient. Out of the corner of his eyes, Bucky saw Steve rise again. 

Bucky wasn't fast enough to dodge the next blow. He got hit the gut and he doubled over. This only made it easier for the largest of the men to punched his face. It didn't take a genius to know it was going to bruise. 

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