Super Soldier Chorus Girl

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Author's Note:

Sorry, this a very short chapter.

The mission Marlene was sent on wasn't the type of mission she thought it would've been. She was under the impression she was to use her . . . skills to get information. Yet, for once, it wasn't. She was sent to repair one of the machines at one of the bases.

She hoped James was there, but his unit wasn't present.

She did, however, write him a letter.

On a more unfortunate note, Dr. Erskine was shot and killed moments after Steve's successful procedure. From what Marlene heard, a German spy made their way into the crowd observing. He had shot Dr. Erskine before making a mad break for it. Steve, all muscular and buff now, apparently, had chased him down the streets of Brooklyn. In the end, the spy took the Bye-Bye Pill, as Marlene started calling them before he could be taken into questioning.

She didn't need to speak to her brother to know Dr. Erskine's death affected him.

She must admit that she did not think that whatever Abraham Erskine had in store for Steve Rogers was wearing spandex and prancing around on stage.

She sat amongst the crowd in Chicago, watching with amusement as a man dressed in the patriotic colors of America appeared on stage. She knew that it was Steve, Peggy had told her, but she did not believe it. He was taller and had a stronger build.

Marlene was convinced for a moment that she was drugged.

Then he started to speak.

And Marlene knew that her scrawny brother was not so scrawny anymore.

"Hey, stranger," Marlene grinned as she pushed herself off of the wall she was leaning on to greet her brother. She wasn't technically meant to be backstage, but. . . Why have security guards if all they do is melt at a smile?

"Marlene?" he wheeled around, clearly shocked.

"No," she said in a dramatic tone. "It's Howard Stark."

"Where?" several of Steve's female co-workers asked in excitement.

"What are you doing here?" Steve asked his sister, his brows furrowed.

"Can't a woman stop by and say 'hello' to her lovely older brother?" Marlene took a seat beside him. Steve remained silent. "Are you to tell me you don't want me here?"

"No! No, of course not!"

"That's what I thought," Marlene grinned.

"I know you've got something to say," Steve said quickly. "Go on. Say it."

"You're taller than me!" Marlene whined.

Steve grinned, finally towering over his sister. All of his life, he has been shorter than her by a couple of inches. Now, he was taller than her. He'd bet everything he has that he's taller than Bucky now too.

"You're not going to take a crack at me for being a 'Chorus Girl', are you?" he questioned.

"No," she shook her head. "Not that I don't have any remarks-" Steve rolled his eyes. "-but I know that I'd be counterproductive. I know that you want nothing more than to be fighting, and that's why I would make those remarks. I'd say them to try and convince you to fight. It seems rather pointless."

"I know that if you were ever granted the chance to do some good, you'd jump through hoops," Marlene continued. "It might not be ideal, but I know you, Steve Rogers. I know that you have a heart of gold. I know that you don't want to be a Chorus Girl."

"Thank you," Steve smiled. "I hate being a Chorus Girl."

"'Star Spangled Man with a plan'," Marlene sang.

"Don't you start," Steve grumbled.

"What?" she looked at him innocently. "It's catchy! It'll definitely be a song I sing to my children . . . If I have them."

"You want kids?" Steve asked his sister. All of his life, his sister has spoken of how she would hate to have kids. She said she'd rather be the aunt that all of the kids love.

"I'm not sure, Steve," she sat beside him. "Maybe in a better world with the right person. But still . . . that's a very slim chance."

"But you've thought about it?"

"Of course I have," she nodded. "In London, I was told that to be a proper woman I am meant to birth children. My point is that if I want to have children, it'll be my choice. It won't be something forced on me by society."

"You are truly ahead of your time," Steve laughed.

"Perhaps I belong in the future then," she smiled.

"With Howard's flying car?" he joked.

"Perhaps not those," she laughed again. "But you'd be there."

"What'd you mean?" Steve stopped laughing, furrowing his brows.

"Well," she gave him a slight shove. "Why can't I annoy my big brother in the future too?"

"I'd leave you there," Steve joked. "I'll just come back to the time we left off at."

"Wouldn't work all too well when I come back, dragging you by the ear," she countered.

"You have it all thought out, don't you?"

"Of course not!" she grinned. "But just imagine all of the new technology! The new food! The different customs! Stevie, just imagine how wonderful it would be!"

"You totally haven't thought about it," he laughed.

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