Agent Carter Series

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"'We're with you 'till the end of the line, Marls'. Oh yeah! Where the bloody hell are you boys, because you sure as hell aren't with me now!"

"The Europeans don't even know Europe as well as the 107th."

"He hasn't met The Fox yet, has he? No? I assumed not. He hasn't had his fragile ego pranced upon yet."

"Marlene Rogers is either an angel or a demon depending upon who you ask."

"Nice to see you still haven't grown a brain cell, Dugan."

"Rogers, I'm mission leader. You can't just stroll in here like you own this place. You are under my command!"

"That's the legendary, Marlene Rogers? I didn't think she'd be that beautiful. I simply believed it was the stage makeup."

"It's wonderful to see my boys again."

"Rogers! Get me a coffee!"

"It didn't stroll. I strutted. Get your facts straight."

"Does the lady need to take a rest?"

"My name is Marlene Rogers. That's enough reason."

"Is there a reason my dandelions look like they were attacked by an angry fox?"

"What is with you and Miss Rogers about allowing me to open the door for you?"

"I tell myself that one day men won't be so disappointing. Then, I see your face, Thompson, and I am instantly reminded again why I need to tell myself that?"

"Real charmer that one."

"I don't think I can do this without her."

"Men disappoint."

"Fox! God is it good to see your face again! These ugly bastards are becoming sore on the eyes."

"My brother was a great man with a heart ten times the size of yours. He had respect, dignity, and honor. For you to suggest otherwise is exactly the reason why I broke your nose . . . or at least part of the reason."

"You haven't truly smiled since the day Barnes died. It's good to have that smile back, blondie."

"Has anyone ever told you that you possess a perfectly punchable face, Thompson?"

"Stand down, Carter."

"What's the plan, Rogers?"

"I'll take that as a compliment, Rogers."

"If you tell me to get you coffee one more time, Thompson, I will rip your tongue from your skull and feed it to my dog."

"You aren't half bad, Rogers, you know that?"

"What? Are you going to strangle them with a hair ribbon?"
"Yes, actually. It has proven useful in the past."

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