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This one links in with my last rant. Still damn irritating.

Have you ever had a piece of work to hand in be it a large body of work, a drawing, an essay, something really important which has to be handed in on THAT DAY, where the teacher stresses with the utmost of concerns that it MUST BE THAT DAY and no other, so much so that you stress about it for ages pull all nighters to finish it and then....

They change the day.

Now, if you haven't finished the work or haven't done it to a certain standard then your really happy for the day change as it allows you to work on it a bit more. But, what if the day gets changed several times over so that not even you know when it's meant to be due?

You have to make sure you have it done AND BRING IT WITH YOU every single day UNTIL finally, THE ONE DAY YOU FORGET IT, IS THE BLOODY DEADLINE! I swear to God, the ONE TIME you forget is ALWAYS the day you have to hand it in, and then NO MATTER WHAT your excuse is be it your granny died or the always faithful 'I forgot it' excuse, they look at you as if your the stupidest kid in the world with more disgust than the person who put a stink bomb under their desk!

I swear if I met up with ANY of my old teacher's who used to do that (there's been a lot) I would get so damn annoyed! OK, maybe I wouldn't. But COME ON! Once or twice change the deadline, at the most, but not 6 or 7! And because you haven't handed that work in yet, you're ALWAYS on edge, ALWAYS worried they'll ask for it and it'll be wrong, ALWAYS waiting to FINALLY get rid of the weight on your shoulders get another one. And the whole thing starts all over again.

If any of you are aspiring or training to become teacher's where you assign homework or essays for a certain day...please....STICK TO YOUR OWN DEADLINE! You'll scare and eventually frustrate the crap outta the kids you teach! Or was it just me who had ever changing deadline dates?

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