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The shadow deepened over Hiccup and Toothless as the Red Death loomed above them, its massive form blocking out the sky. Hiccup’s breath caught in his throat as he stared up at the beast, its eight giant eyes narrowing as they focused on him. Disgust. That was the only word he could think of to describe the look the Red Death was giving him, as if he were nothing more than an insignificant pest daring to challenge its supremacy.

To think a black rat and a tiny pest could cause me such a headache, the Red Death’s voice rumbled through the air, the words echoing in Hiccup’s mind like thunder. The dragon’s voice was laced with irritation, its frustration palpable as it gazed down at them. It will take me months to recover enough to be where I was. I’ll just have to roast you to make myself feel better.

The Red Death reared back, its massive chest expanding as it inhaled deeply, the glow of dragon fire building in its throat. Hiccup’s heart pounded in his chest as he realized what was about to happen. The dragon was going to incinerate them, reduce them to nothing more than ash and memories. His hands clenched around the saddle, his body trembling with a mixture of fear and resignation.

Hiccup closed his eyes, bracing himself for the inevitable. Would it hurt as badly as he thought it would, or would the monster turn up the heat and make his end swift? The thought of dying filled him with a strange sense of peace, a calm acceptance of his fate. He had tried his best, had fought with everything he had, but it seemed that his journey was about to come to an end.

His mind drifted to Elsa, the enigmatic queen with whom he had only just begun to form a connection. And Toothless—his loyal companion, his closest friend. They had just broken through the barriers that had kept them from fully understanding each other, had finally become more than just rider and dragon. But now, it seemed that all of it would be for nothing.

As the heat from the Red Death’s fire began to build, Hiccup found himself hoping that his father had made it out of this death trap. That at least Stoick might survive, that Berk might still have a leader to guide them through the dark days ahead.

A sudden, soft thud interrupted his thoughts, followed by the unexpected absence of the intense heat. Hiccup’s eyes flew open, his breath catching in his throat as he saw a graceful figure standing between him and the Red Death—a woman in a blue dress, her platinum hair shimmering in the dim light.

“Elsa?” he called weakly; his voice barely audible over the roar of the Red Death’s fire. He tried to roll onto his feet, but before he could move, sharp talons gently wrapped around him, lifting him off the ground as the world rushed away. He struggled to remain calm, his heart pounding as he looked around frantically. All he could see were white scales, the Light Fury’s grip firm but careful.

Seconds earlier.

Elsa leaned closer to the Light Fury; her body pressed tightly against the dragon’s back in an attempt to reduce air resistance. The wind whipped through her hair, the chill biting at her skin as they raced toward the battlefield. She could see the Red Death towering over Hiccup and Toothless, the glow of dragon fire building in the beast’s throat.

Drop me in the path of the dragon’s fire, Elsa urged, her thoughts pushing toward the Light Fury with a sense of urgency. Then get the boys out of there.

The Light Fury did not respond verbally, but Elsa could feel the dragon’s reluctant acceptance through their bond. The connection they shared was still new, still fragile, but it was enough for them to understand each other in moments like this.

Without hesitation, the Light Fury banked sharply, sending Elsa tumbling from the saddle. The world spun around her as she plummeted toward the ground, her heart racing with adrenaline. She landed with a soft thud, her knees buckling slightly as she hit the earth. But there was no time to recover—the Red Death’s fire was already on its way.

Frosted Scales - When Worlds Collide: A HTTYD X Frozen TaleWhere stories live. Discover now