Rising Smoke

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The sky was thick with smoke and ash as Elsa and the Light Fury landed amidst the devastation left in the wake of the battle. The ground was a chaotic mess of smoldering debris and scattered remains, the air heavy with the acrid scent of burning wood and scorched earth. Every breath felt like swallowing embers, but Elsa pushed the discomfort aside, her heart pounding with a single, urgent thought: Find Hiccup and Toothless.

The Light Fury nudged Elsa gently with her nose, her blue eyes filled with concern. Elsa met the dragon’s gaze, offering a reassuring nod before they set to work. The heat was unbearable, making it difficult to see through the thick haze, but they pressed on, determined to find their friends.

Elsa’s magic surged in response to the rising tension, icy tendrils spreading from her fingertips as she sprayed a fine mist over a particularly stubborn fire. The flames hissed and crackled as they died out, the sudden drop in temperature sending shivers down Elsa’s spine. She moved with purpose, using her ice magic to snuff out the remaining fires while the Light Fury smothered others with her heat-resistant body or by kicking up dirt.

The landscape was a grim sight, the once lush and vibrant forest now reduced to a charred wasteland. Trees lay twisted and broken, their branches reaching out like skeletal fingers. The ground was littered with the remains of dragons and Vikings, the battle’s toll evident in every blackened carcass and shattered weapon.

Elsa’s heart ached at the sight, the weight of the loss pressing down on her like a physical burden. But she could not afford to dwell on it—not when Hiccup and Toothless were still out there, possibly buried under the debris. She pushed forward, her magic flaring as she cleared away the ash and rubble with determined precision.

The heat was too intense for the other Vikings to get close at first. They lingered on the outskirts, their eyes wide with a mixture of fear and respect as they watched Elsa and the Light Fury work. The remains of the Red Death loomed large in their minds, the thought of approaching what was left of a Dragon God too daunting for most.

But one Viking was unafraid. A large, calloused hand landed gently on Elsa’s shoulder, and she looked up to see Stoick the Vast standing beside her. His reputation as a harsh and tough ruler preceded him, but in that moment, he looked crestfallen and emotional, a father searching for his lost child.

“Lass,” Stoick’s voice was gruff, but there was a softness in his tone that surprised Elsa. “I saw the battle. I know you’re an ally of Hiccup’s. I also know you’re looking for him too. How can I help?”

Elsa nodded, too choked up to speak, and pointed around her, indicating the areas she had already searched. Stoick’s presence was a comfort, his strength and determination giving her a renewed sense of hope. Slowly, more and more Vikings and dragons began to move debris and remains, spurred on by Stoick’s example.

As the search continued, Elsa’s mind raced with worry. What if they were too late? What if Hiccup and Toothless were buried too deep, beyond the reach of even her magic? The thought was almost too much to bear, and she found herself pushing harder, her magic lashing out with more intensity as she cleared away the rubble.

A shout from Elsa’s right snapped her out of her thoughts, sending a surge of excitement and fear through her. She rushed toward the voice, her heart pounding in her chest. Stoick was already there, directing the efforts of the Vikings and dragons with calm authority.

“Steady now. Get one of the bigger brutes to lift that one,” Stoick ordered, his voice carrying over the noise of the search. A Monstrous Nightmare, led by a dark-haired Viking, carried away a giant rock, revealing a pile of rubble beneath.

Elsa’s breath caught in her throat as she stared at the pile. It was enormous, the rocks and debris stacked so high that it seemed impossible for anyone to survive being buried under it. A wave of despair washed over her, threatening to pull her under.

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