Breaking a Curse

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As they reached their one-bed inn room that evening, Elsa slipped out of her travel leathers and into a delicate silk slip. Hiccup, with his back politely turned, fought to keep his mind clear of any inappropriate thoughts. The rustling of fabric signaled that she was finished, and as he turned around, he found her lying on her side of the bed, watching him with a curious blend of fear and excitement in her eyes. The flickering firelight from the small hearth painted her face in warm tones, revealing the depth of her emotions.

The room was small, with roughly hewn wooden walls and a simple, slanted roof. A single window offered a view of the snowy landscape outside, where snowflakes drifted lazily down from the dark sky, gathering in soft mounds against the wooden structures. The room smelled faintly of pine and smoke, a comforting scent that mingled with the sharp chill in the air.

Hiccup, after slipping into a pair of shorts and a light shirt he had prepared for the night, hesitated before sliding into the bed beside her. He was thankful for the darkness that enveloped the room, though he found himself unnerved by the intimacy of the situation. Nudity had never bothered him before, so why now? He shook his head, trying to dismiss the thought.

"Wake me if you get up before me," Elsa said softly, her voice laced with trepidation. Her fingers played nervously with the edge of the blanket, as if seeking some form of reassurance.

It dawned on Hiccup then why she was so uneasy. She still believed the stories she had heard about Vikings—tales of raiding, pillaging, and worse. In a moment of realization, he quickly stood up and grabbed his blanket and pillow from the bed.

"I’ll sleep down here," he declared, dropping the bedding onto the cold wooden floor with more haste than grace.

Elsa, however, did not hesitate. She leaned over the side of the bed and scooped up his pillow and blanket, placing them back on the bed with a firm gesture. "There’s no need for that. We have plenty of space up here, and it is freezing down there," she said, her tone gentle but insistent.

Hiccup shuffled awkwardly, glancing at the bed. "Isn’t it a little... awkward? Both of us in the same bed... I mean, you’re a Queen." The words tumbled out as he motioned vaguely to the bed, feeling acutely aware of the differences between them. Back on Berk, girls had not paid much attention to him. Most of them were stronger, more rugged, traits that were valued among Vikings. But Elsa was different.

"Only if we make it so," Elsa replied with a small, playful smile. She patted the bed beside her. "We’re only sleeping, right?"

"Only sleeping. Right," Hiccup echoed, trying to convince himself as much as her. He gingerly climbed back into the bed, careful to stay on his side, and turned his back to her. Despite his nerves, the warmth of the bed soon lulled him into sleep, the soft sounds of their breathing the only noise in the quiet room.

Morning arrived with a pale light filtering through the window, casting long shadows across the room. Hiccup, awake before dawn as planned, dressed quickly, and prepared for their journey to the Northern Mountain. Before leaving, he allowed himself a moment to look back at Elsa. She lay on her side, one arm stretched out, the other resting on her stomach, her hair tousled and her breaths deep and even. For a moment, he was struck by how peaceful she looked, and a surge of affection welled up in him.

He pushed the emotion aside and strode out of the cabin to freshen up and gather food. He returned with a simple breakfast—porridge, a large chunk of bread, and a small pitcher of water—arranging it on a wooden tray beside the bed. The food was simple but hearty, a small gesture to show he cared.

Elsa awoke to the sound of the tray being placed on the table. The sight of the food brought a smile to her face, and she quickly moved to the table, eating with an unexpected vigor. Hiccup’s expression of surprise made her giggle softly, a light sound that filled the small room.

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