ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 36

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I woke up to see Falco was already awake. "Oh I didn't want to wake you up so I let you sleep" Falco said.

"Thank you" I said sitting up. "Did you sleep well" I asked. "I should be asking you that do d you have any bad dreams?" Falco asked.

"No... Falco I'm sorry I really am I feel bad that I put you through all this trouble" I said. "Hey no apologizing remember I already told you it's fine and plus it was fun" Falco said.

"Yeah it really was" I said smiling. "Hey Falco are you seriously always late" I asked. "Oh uh yeah" Falco said.

"Wow I really wasn't expecting that from you so irresponsible" I said shaking my head. " At least I don't fall asleep on people that's so rude and irresponsible" Falco said shaking his head.

I took the pillow then threw it at him. "AH!" He yelled as the pillow hit his face.

"Yeah that's what you get when you try to insult me" I said. He threw the pillow at me causing me to fall off the bed.

"MMM!" I hummed as I fell. "AH WAIT CAROLE ARE YOU OK!?" Falco said worried. 

I looked up at him. He jumped off the bed. "Oh you're bleeding!" Falco said. "What?" I said.

"Your nose wait a second I'll go get some tissues" Falco said running out of the room.

I put my hand over my nose so blood wouldn't get anywhere.

He came back to the room with some tissues. "Here you go" He said handing me some.

I wipe my nose with a tissue as Falco got a small bag for me to put the tissues in.

He rose his eyebrow. "Why is your blood pink?" He asked as I put some of the tissues in the trash bin.

'Oh no' I thought. "Oh um I don't know it's always been like that" I said. "Really that's weird" he said.

The bleeding wouldn't stop so I kept a tissue in my nose. "I'm sorry about your nose" Falco said.

"It's okay it's happened to me before" I laughed. That's when the door opened.

"Are you two awa- oh my god! Did you get your period sweetie it's going to be okay!" Falco mom said rushing over to us.

"What's a period?" I asked. "Mom she just got a nosebleed" Falco said blushing.

"Oh ok are you alright" she asked. I nodded. 'What's a period though?' I thought.

"Honey are you sick?" I looked up at her. "No why?" I said. "Oh I just thought you were because well your blood is pink" Falco's mom said.

"Yeah it's just always been like that" I said. "Oh well that means your special!" Falco's mom said.

"Haha yeah I guess so" I said. "Carole Falco get ready for breakfast alright I'll bring you a spare of clothes" Falco's mom said.

We got ready and went to the dining room for breakfast.

Colt came over and sat down stretching. "So Falco Carole how'd you sleep" Colt said wiggling his eyebrows smirking.

Falco punched Colt in the shoulder. "Shut up" Falco said blushing.

"What does he mean?" I asked. "Um don't worry about it" Falco said.

"Oh okay" I said smiling. "Carole is your nose okay?" Falco asked.

"Yeah it stopped bleeding a while ago so I got rid of the paper" I said. "What happened to your nose?" Colt asked.

"Oh um we were having a pillow fight am I fell" I said. "So let me get this straight Falco fried to kill you? I should've known" Colt said.

"Oh my gosh no I didn't!" Falco said. "That's what a guilty person would say!" Colt said.

𝐒𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞: 𝐀𝐎𝐓 𝑥 𝐊𝐍𝐘 𝐂𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐝 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now