ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 46

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"AAAAAH!" I screamed as Gabi held my arm so I wouldn't fall off the edge of the building. "I'm sorry If I'm too heavy!" I yelled.

"It's okay! you weigh like 1 pound!" Gabi yelled. 'Should I be offended?' I thought. "AH!" Pieck shouted as the bright lightning surrounded her.

Pieck transformed opening her mouth. "Lets go!" Gabi shouted jumping into Pieck's mouth. I jumped after her and Pieck shut her lips on our bodies letting our heads peek out.

"Ah! I thought I was gong to die!" I yelled. "Well we're saved not for sure!" Gabi said looking up. I looked up to see Reiner floating down.

"REINER!" Gabi yelled as I see him transform. "He's going to fight?" I said. "Yeah of course" Gabi said.

I sighed looking down. "I really want to" I said. "I'm sure you'll be able to soon!" Gabi said. "Hopefully!" I said.

"PIECK OVER HERE!" I heard someone yell. 

"AH!" I yelled as I slid out of Pieck's mouth. "Gabi!" I look up to see a man run over and hug Gabi. "Dammit Braun who told you to enter enemy territory" He yelled.

"Gabi!!" I see Colt run over to us. "Wait... Carole?!" He said. "No! that was her disguise in Marley! she's Y/n Yeager the Sanguis titan!" Gabi said smiling. 

"You're joking?" Colt said. "Wait the Sanguis titan wow I forgot about that" Pieck said. "No lie or joke she was with me and Falco while we were prisoners here! she visited us everyday and she escaped with us!" Gabi said.

"About that where is Falco" Colt asked. "He's still inside that building he got some of Zeke's spinal fluid in his mouth so he's being detained there!" Gabi said pointing to the building. Colt put his hands on his head as his eyes widened.

"He's being being detained along with 300 soldiers who also ingested some of the spinal fluid. I counted 500 others but Zeke is still somewhere else" Pieck said. 

"Can I go fight now!?" I asked. "No stay with Colt and Gabi go and get to safety!" Pieck yelled. "Alright lets go!" Gabi said grabbing me.

*Mini timeskip*

We snuck around the area trying to stay out of sight so we wouldn't get caught. 

"What's this pipe thing?" Gabi asked. "It's a rifle used against titans. It's hard to kill them unless you get a proper hold of the center of their nape" Colt said.

We peeked around the corner. "There are soldiers coming out. "OH!" We said as one of them looked at us. 'Was that Nile?' I thought.

"Shit they found us!" Colt said. "We have no choice but to fight" Colt said cocking the gun. "Wait! They won't shoot if they see Y/n!" Gabi said.

We stopped as we see Mr. Nile and Falco appear from around the corner. "This isn't a place for children go home!" Mr. Nile said. 

"Thank you Mr. Nile!" Falco said as we took him and started running away. Colt hugged Falco then looked over at Gabi. "Gabi why did you trust the enemy" Colt said.

"Eh .. no" Gabi said. We hid inside a house as we heard voices from around the corner.

"Did Mia, Ben, and Y/n escape?" I heard Mrs. Braus say. "I'm sure they did they are strong" I herd Mr. Braus say.

"Why do you even care about Mia and Ben who shot my sister... I want to kill them" Kaya said. I heard Gabi gasp.

"Gabi?" Falco said. "Hey I think they're gone we can go too" Colt said. "There are no devils on this island... only people" Gabi said.

"Finally I understand Reiner's feelings all of these people we have never seen we just decided are devils. In the airship I climbed on and.... always repeating the same thing" Gabi said.

"I-I supported the attack on Liberio... without knowing that wounded soldier was Eren Yeager. I sent letters to his comrades from a postbox outside the district and so many people were killed in Liberio" Falco said.

"So Udo and Zofia died because of me and.... I became a warrior candidate because I didn't want you to inherit the armored titan. I wanted you to live long so you could be happy." Falco said.

"What?" Gabi said. "Since I might become a titan I'm not sure... I have nothing left to say" Falco said.

Gabi pulled the red armband off of Falco. "Lets go!" Gabi said. "If you ingested some of Zeke's spinal fluid that'll stop him maybe..." Colt said. 

'I hope it will' I thought as we ran out. Falco stopped for a moment and grabbed my hand. "Huh!? Falco we have to go!?" I said.

"Wait... I just wanted to tell you this before I get turned.... Y/n ever since I met you I loved you.. and I want to marry you!" Falco yelled blushing. "I-I love you too!" I said blushing. Falco looked down sadly. 

"Then please forget about me after I turn" Falco said. "What...." I said as tears flowed down my face. "Live your life just forget about me please be happy with out me" Falco said. "I-" I was cut off.

"Falco come on we have to go!" Colt said grabbing him and running. I stared at him as he ran away with Colt around the corner. 

 "Y/n let's go!" Gabi said grabbing me. Gabi and I jumped onto a horse heading to the area where Zeke was. 

'Please get there in time' I thought. We finally made it in time to see Colt and Falco. "FALCO COME ON GET ON THE HORSE LETS GO!" Gabi yelled.

"DON'T COME CLOSE!" He yelled to us. I immediately jumped off the horse. "ZEKE STOP!" I screamed. 

"Colt... your feeling towards your brother I understand them well... that's why its a pity" Zeke's titan said standing up. 

I gasped and began running towards them as Zeke started screaming. I ran up and just as I got to Falco and Colt I reached for them but then a large flash appeared.

Falco looked at me and gave me a small smile right before her was completely consumed by the lighting. "WAIT!" I screamed. 

"NO!" I screamed. I looked up to see Falco had transformed into a pure titan. 'Wait....' i thought as tears ran down my face. 

I stood up and moved back a bit until I fell over something. I looked to see. "Colt!" I yelled. I stared down at his burned body.

Author's POV

"Ah no..... I was too late..... but it wasn't my fault..." Y/n thought as she clenched her fists. Suddenly she felt her blood start to boil as her eyes turned slitted. 

Her hair grew longer reaching down past her knees with a copper and pink gradient at the bottom as she stood up. She growled silently clenching her fists as her nails/teeth sharpened. 

Gabi ran over to her with tears in her eyes. She picked up the rifle from Colt then looked at Y/n. "Y/n get to safety I'll de-" Y/n cut her off by grabbing the rifle and pushing her away.

"Wha!? Y/n wait what are you doing!?" Gabi yelled. "I'll kill anyone..... THAT GETS IN MY WAY!" Y/n screamed.

Gabi stared in shock at the girl in front of her. "She...she's mad" Gabi said in disbelief. She saw the fire in her eyes light up as Y/n aimed the gun at Eren.

"EREN! COME HERE!" Zeke yelled. Eren ran over to Zeke but as he was running he looked over at Y/n and his eyes widened. 'Shit!' Eren thought. 

 "DAMN YOU! YOU TRAITOR!" Y/n screamed. She pulled the trigger shooting Eren right in the neck taking his head off.

Y/n was jerked back by the recoil of the gun. She hit her head on a rock behind her and then she began slowly passing out. 

"Y/N!" Gabi yelled. Y/n's eyes shut as she passed out. 'She was mad' Gabi thought hugging Y/n's limp body.


AYO! So yeah Y/n finally got mad. Get ready to see the path again this'll be fun! Until next time! SEE YA!😈

𝐒𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞: 𝐀𝐎𝐓 𝑥 𝐊𝐍𝐘 𝐂𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐝 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now