Chapter 7

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We were at the after-graduation party. The last party for our seniors. As in Neils last year. And he told me that he was going to college in the city. So what is he hiding? "Yes, I am going abroad" I don't know what am supposed to feel about this. He hid this from me. We have spent 2 years together and suddenly him not being there just didn't make sense to me.

So instead of having an argument I got up and decided to get some air. "Ari wait," Neil said to me. "No, I just need time to think. Don't follow me ok." I said in a calm voice. I have never felt so complete in my life. Ever since we started dating I have gotten so attached to him. I haven't spent a single day in the past two years without talking to him. He became a part of my life. He filled up the empty space I had in my life. Not many people will understand what I feel. He is a huge part of my life. One of the few people who accepted me for who I am. I just. I can't.

I walked out of the house and I just kept walking. I didn't care where I was going I just wanted to go far away. I needed some time to think. I didn't care how cold it was. I didn't care who was looking at me. The tears I was holding back finally fell.  

But slowly I realized that I should have cared where I was going and I should have cared about who was looking at me. Without thinking I ended up in a bad neighborhood. A group of men just stood outside a bar, smoking. They were staring at me. I looked down and started to walk faster. I walked fast but I heard footsteps and my heartbeat started to increase. This is not good. I turned around to look and a few of the guys were walking towards me. 

I started to run. I ran as fast as I could but what I didn't realize was I was just going deeper into the neighborhood. I took a few turns and I ended up taking a wrong turn into an alley. I turned around to leave and find another way but when I did they were already there. 

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