Chapter 30

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Knock knock 

The door opened and my father walked in. "Oh my lord. You look stunning" My father said with a huge smile. "Thanks, dad" I replied. "I can't believe how fast you grew up," He said tearing up. "Dad don't cry," I said to him. "Shall we?" He asked. I nodded and locked my hands with his. We stood at the edge of the isle. "You know you can still change your mind ryt?" My dad said as if warning me. "Dad I love him. And I want to get married" I assured him for the nth time. "Ok then here it goes" My dad and I started walking down the Isle. I saw all my family and friends looking at me as I walked down. A few years ago I would have fainted if so many ppl looked at me all at the same time but now. I have changed. He changed me. In a good way. 

When we reached the end I heard my dad say I'll be watching you. And if Neil wasn't nervous before he was now. Dad doesn't actually mean it. But he still decides to threaten Neil every time and Neil has not gotten used to it. 

The ceremony began and we took our vows. Everything went perfectly. After the wedding was over for the after-party Neil and I had planned something. A masquerade ball. In the memory of how we first met. I got an outfit that was stitched exactly like the one I was wearing at the ball and wore the same mask. And we put on the same song and we started to slow dance. 

"Imagine if I had pulled someone else to dance with. We wouldn't be here" He said to me. "I guess we were destined to meet." I couldn't help but stare into those beautiful pair of blue-green eyes. Even after so many years, I can't get over how beautiful his eyes really are. "Have I ever told you how much I love your eyes?" I said to him. "Since the very first day," I remember blurting out how mesmerizing his eyes are. And how embarrassed I felt. "I would have never thought that one day I'll be marrying you," I said to him. "Why? Was I that bad?" He asked me. "No. I just didn't know you existed" He looked offended. "But everyone knew me. Litreally everyone" He started bragging bout how everyone knew him and how everyone was head over heels for him. 

"But you ended up with me," I said to him. "Yep," He said with a smile. "I wouldn't change a thing" He continued. "Everything happens for a reason," He said. "The story of my life is all about you, Love," He said as he slowly pressed his lips against mine. "You have no idea how much I love you," He said to me. "I love you too" 

8 months later 

The nurse handed me Jason for the very first time. Our baby boy. He was so small in my arms. And his skin was fair and he had Caramel Brown Hair just like mine and the most beautiful part was his eyes. They were just like Neil's. I wished that he or she would have Neil's eyes and my wish came true. Suddenly the door opened and then walked in the love of my life. 

8 months of being married and not once have I regretted my decisions. Neil is the most perfect husband anyone can wish for. I love him so much and now Jason. 

"How are you feeling Love?" Neil came in holding a bouquet. "Am doing fine" I replied. He placed it on the table and took a seat ryt next to me. "He is going to have lots of girls falling for him," I said to Neil while looking at Jason. "But he will find the perfect one. Just like I did" He said placing a soft kiss on my forehead. 8 months and he never once forgot to remind me how much he loves me. He bared with me throughout these years and I will forever be grateful to him. 

A few years ago thinking that I would be married and having a child and making a family it all seemed impossible. I didn't even dream about it. But he came into my life when I least expected it. And ever since he did I can't thank him enough for everything he has done for me. I am the luckiest person ever and when I say that this is the happiest day of my life I mean it with my whole heart. I have changed so much since I met him. Everything's changed since I met him. But I love how my life turned out. And I wouldn't have it any other way.


Thank you so much for reading till the end. I rlly appreciate it. This story was supposed to have a sad ending but I decided to change it. But thank you for reading. Stay safe 💜

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