Chapter 19

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"Neil," I said as he walked into the living room. "I didn't know you were coming back today," I said in surprise "I wanted to surprise you." He said as he gave a small peck on my lips and sat down next to me for dinner. "Daddy I missed you," Jason said running and jumping into Neils's arms. It was a beautiful sight to see. 

After some time I finally got Jason to sit down for dinner "Mommy I don't like carrots," Jason whined. "Baby it's good for your eyes," I replied going into the kitchen. "If you don't eat carrots then you won't be able to find pretty girls like ur mommy so better finish it ok" Neil whispered not knowing I could hear him in the kitchen. "He is 5 years old Neil stop talking to him like about that" Neil just chuckled. 

After I put Jason to sleep I went to the living room and saw Neil sitting on the couch. I went and sat beside him. I missed him. I miss him when he is out on his secret missions. Being a spy for the government he has to leave the country sometimes and other times it's somewhere nearby but his job is dangerous. Neil comes from a family of criminals. He was trained for this. But he didn't wanna do what his family did throughout the years. He wanted to change. So he uses his skills for good reasons but that doesn't make his job any less dangerous. 

"What's on your mind love," He said pulling me into his embrace. "I just miss you that's all," I replied. "Me too," He said planting a soft kiss on my forehead. "Why can't you just be a businessman or something?" I said jokingly. "I mean then I would be able to spend more time with you and I wouldn't have to be so alert all the time," I said. "Wht do you mean alert?" He asked as he rubbed the back of my hand which was quite soothing. "It's just. Every time I get a phone call I am afraid it's about you, that something bad has happened to you or to Jason. Every time you step out of the house I am afraid u might never come back. And you are away so often I just miss spending time with you." I said truthfully. "Ik love. I hate it sometimes too. But they needed me. But am here now and we can spend as much time together as possible ok" I nodded. He slowly pressed his lips on mine. And it felt nice. I felt safe. It felt like no matter what happens we will always have each other and he just gave me the motivation to keep going. 

"I love you," I said to him

"I love you too" He replied. 

"But you need to wake up" 

Wait what?

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