Chapter 28

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Wait wait Hold up 
Neil Johnson asked u out?

Well yea but as friends

As Frnds? You guys met in a 
romantic and mysterious way 
and then you found each other 
again. It's like a romance novel 

It's not. He saw the book I had 
and he asked me if I like reading 
And I said yes and he then said 
ik a place and you will love it. We 
shd go smtime. I said that I was busy
uk with exams and all so he said this
Sunday and Idk I was like ok sure.

It sounds like a date to me

It's not a DATE. It's a frndly hangout 

Nothings frndly bout this 

Just don't tell anyone 

Oooooo Keeping it a secret

Why do I even bother 🙄

2 days later



Not rlly 

Ik ur probably screaming

Har rlly

ok ok wht r u wearing?

Black hoodie and black jeans 


Y would I lie?

But u shd wear something nicer

Why it's not a date

Whtever you say

Well he sent me an address 
I'll ttyl 

Have fun 
Tell me everything when the date gets over
Send pics too.

It was almost 9 pm. I took a cab to the address and I was standing in front of a huge mansion. But I am kinda used to seeing places like these. I knocked at the door and soon someone answered the door. "Ariana. come on in" It was Neil. He invited me in. 

"How are you?" He asked me. "Fine" I spoke softly. I was nervous, was an understatement. Cause one I don't socialize much and two I don't have boyfriends. Boy space friends. I could feel my heartbeat. It was like my heart would burst out of my ribcage. "Are you ok?" He asked me looking a bit concerned. "Yea" I replied. "Follow me," He said turning around and walking away. I did as he asked. We walked through a long hallway and we entered a dark room and I wasn't afraid of the dark but this was kind of sus.

He switched on the lights and I was in awe. There were bookshelves from the top to the bottom filled with books and it was so amazing. The library was bigger than wht we had on campus. "You like it?" He asked me. "Yea, It's amazing," I said louder than expected. "U can get whatever you want," He said. "What," I asked a bit surprised. "You can take any book you want" He replied. "Really?" I asked getting a bit excited. "Ofc. You can pick out any book I'll be back" He said as he left the room.

After some time I picked out a book that I really wanted to read and he said that I could take it forever but I couldn't do that so I told him I was just going to borrow it. After that, we went out to the pool and it was beautiful. We sat down and had coffee. And we talked. This was all new to me. I don't do friendship with boys and the last time I did was in kindergarten. I just never felt comfortable around a guy before. But the way he talks is different. And he listens when I say something but I can't be too trusting. I don't know him.  I need to keep my distance this is just a frndly hangout. A one-time meetup. 

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