Prologue: Miss Cupid

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After two months of torturing Yoo Jeongyeon through the articles he had published in one of their school newspapers, Park Jimin stood half a meter away from her left side, smiling victoriously knowing that the girl was affected by his presence.

After two months of torturing Yoo Jeongyeon through the articles he had published in one of their school newspapers, Park Jimin stood half a meter away from her left side, smiling victoriously knowing that the girl was affected by his presence

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Yoo Jeongyeon, 20

Yoo Jeongyeon, 20

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Park Jimin, 21

She already felt her blood rising to her head that she wanted to release the arrow she had been holding on to for more than three minutes now into his direction. She was gritting her teeth and Kim Dahyun who was standing beside Jimin seemed to notice it.

 She was gritting her teeth and Kim Dahyun who was standing beside Jimin seemed to notice it

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Kim Dahyun, 19

Dahyun: *worried* Oppa, let's go! She's angry!

Jeongyeon: Yes, Dahyun. Tell your friend that I am angry or else I'm gonna kill him with this arrow.

Jimin: *snorts*

Dahyun: *nudges Jimin* I'm sorry Jeongyeon-unnie.

Jeongyeon: Yes, you should be. I don't wanna see you again... at least for now.

Dahyun: Heyyy...

Jimin: You have amazing stamina, you hold onto that bow for too long now that it makes me wonder if you could also hold onto relationships that much.

Dahyun: Please don't worsen this, oppa. Let's go.

Jimin: Jeongyeon, c'mon just say yes... go out with me and I will leave.

Jeongyeon: No! You go! *arms were shaking*

Jimin: Why not???

This all didn't make sense to her. For two months, they'd been constantly attacking each other with nasty rumors and for the first time, he approached her like how a normal student would approach his fellow. She thought he'd say sorry or call it quits but the moment he opened his mouth, the first thing that came out was 'Yoo Jeongyeon, go out with me'— all out.

Jeongyeon: Why would I say yes?? What is this?? Are you crazy??

Jimin: Maybe I am! I'm— I really like you!


Jimin and Dahyun, along with the students who'd been watching them were all stunned at what Jeongyeon did. She released the arrow in his direction making sure that it'd only land near his feet.

He was gulping and kind of startled when Jeongyeon started to walk towards him. She picked up the arrow, faced him, and locked her eyes in his. With the arrow on her hands tapping his chest, she spoke...

Jeongyeon: Be thankful that I am aware Dahyun doesn't like blood.

Jimin: *gulps*

Jeongyeon: Stop this show, Park Jimin... I know that you know what I am capable of and you know that I don't care what happens to me in Seoul.

With that, he was reminded of one of the articles he wrote about her— the one where he exposed that Yoo Jeongyeon spilled boiling water on her classmate's parent's feet back in primary school.

She must be bluffing, he thought. She was not in her right mind that time, he assumed. He looked at her eyes more intently to search for any signs of tricking but he couldn't find one. He found her eyes fearless, and her hands not shaking. The arrow on his chest was still and felt cold, he then noticed that his breathing hitched the moment she stood closer to him.

Murmurs were heard when Jeongyeon started to walk away from the field and Jimin stroked his chest.

Dahyun: Jimin-oppa, are you okay? I can't believe she'd do that.

Jimin: Dahyunie...

Dahyun: Hmm?

Jimin: I think I'm in love. *smiles widely*


A/N: Heyy! It's me again. As promised, this is the Prologue. I hope you liked it.

Unlike Feel Special, I haven't planned the plot of this book yet so I can't commit that I can update this book weekly. The good thing about it is that I think this will have more chapters with still long chapters (I'll stick into that 💕).

PS. I don't tolerate bullying, nasty rumors, privacy invasion, etc. Will discuss more of that in this book.

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