Chapter 14: Like Him, Like Her

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Jeongyeon looked at Jimin intently before saying anything.

Jeongyeon: Weirdo shit.

Jimin: *sighs* Let's just go inside.

Jeongyeon: Mwo? Wae? You go home, Park Jimin. I feel like you're already too tired. Also, we're already closing.

Jimin: Yoo Jeongyeon, the diner's not yet closed and I am hungry.

He walked past Jeongyeon to enter Better Butter but halted after seeing that her friends — who stopped whatever they were doing and looked in his direction— were still there.

Jimin: Oh. They're still here.

Taehyung: Yah, Park Jimin. How come that you smoked in a non-smoking area that has a very large poster? Are you dumb or what?

Jimin: 🙄 Don't talk to me. *walked to the corner table*

Jeongyeon: *followed Jimin* What are you doing? I thought you're gonna order?

Jimin: Can't I order here? Other customers are looking at me.

Jeongyeon: Swipe left. 🙄 *left*

Jimin purposely ate slower, as he intended to be left there last. Once every customer was gone, he approached Sejeong who was at the counter.

Sejeong: Ne?

Jimin: Uhh, I brought Rosé's car. I'm offering you girls a rid—

Jeongyeon: Ani—

Sejeong: YES! Sure! That would be so nice! *looks at Jeongyeon* 🤨😏

Jeongyeon: Aish! You're out of your mind. *walked out and proceeded to clean the tables*

Jihyo: *sweeping* Thanks, oppa. But is it really okay? You'll be out of your way.

Jimin: Ne. It's fine.

Jeongyeon: *slowly coming closer to Jimin while glaring* What's your intention??

Jimin: I just want to help since you helped me today.

Jeongyeon: I am not buying your bullshit. What's your intention? *stopped in front of Jimin and crossed her arms*

Jimin: I don't know. You don't believe me, anyway.

Jeongyeon: Park Jimin, what's your real intention?

Jimin: *sighs* I'm not pulling something off, okay? If you worry about that. Ah! But I remembered something. Tomorrow. Bonding time with Roseann and Ryujin. Come with us, they want you to join.

Jeongyeon: W— wae? Is that a weekly activity?

Jimin: Aniya. It didn't push through because of you.

Sejeong: What bonding time? You're asking Jeongyeon to join? Wae?

Jeongyeon: Nothing, unnie. I'm not joining. I have to work tomorrow. *proceeds to wipe the tables*

Sejeong: Jeongie, you need at least 1 day off, we've been telling you that.

Jeongyeon: No. This is my choice. I wanna give back to you all.

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