Chapter 4

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"Do we have a deal?" I said quite fed up hold out my hand for him, not really caring anymore about this idea of rebellion. He looked at my hand and smirked then looked at me trapping me in those ocean blue eyes of his.

" No hands." he said grabbing my outstretched arm by the wrist pulling me against his body. he took his other arm and and wrapped it around my waist pulling me even tighter to him. He leaned his head down to whisper something in my ear.

" I hope you're ready for me Noelle." then he kissed me.


~~*~~ Chapter 4 ~~*~~

Aaron Johnson as Sawyer -->-->-->

I awoke the next morning feeling like i had been in a daze. Had last night really happen? Did i really just put my plan in action. I looked at my phone and saw that i had a text from Adin:

Hey we need to meet up, there are still a few more details we need to go over. meet me at the school in 2.

What else is there for us to discuss? Unless he finally came up with a method of payment. I had a feeling that this whole scheme wasn't going to end well. I called Jo for some last minute advice on what to wear and what to say before i left to meet up with Adin.

" You already told him you're not having sex with him right? So why are you freaking out? From what Sawyer tells me, he's not the kind of guy to force a girl to do something she doesn't want to. From what Sawyer says, Adin actually sounds pretty sweet" Jo remarked.

" You and Sawyer seem to be getting pretty comfy. In fact last night i don't think i saw you two separated at all"

Jo stammers. " W-well of course not. We made a deal i pretend to be his date in exchange for your meeting Adin. It was an absolutely horrendous experience. I never want to attend another party like that in my life"

"Oh come off it Josephine!" I rebutted " I saw the way you looked at him. You were entranced. I also saw how  excited you got when he defended your honor"

~~*~~ Flashback~~*~~

"Welllll Whose the skank Sawyer?" i heard from across the room.

i regained my thinking abilities after the few minutes that Adin had left me standing in the floor disoriented after he kissed me and then trotted off to flirt with someone else telling her that it was his last night as a free man and did she want to make it a memorable one.

"Soooo she's the latest piece of trash you picked out of one of your classes." i heard the same voice say again.

She couldn't have been talking about Jo, She looked beautiful tonight and i doubted that her behavior was anything even remotely close to skanky. I followed the crowd to see what all the commotion was. In the middle of the living room floor stood a pretty angry Sawyer, a troubled Josephine and an even more furious and seriously intoxicated  woman who looked like she just got done working her corner. 

"Look Trina what we had was nice but I'm over it. i've found someone else now" Sawyer said trying to rain in some of his anger and calm down.

"Oh please Sawyer, no one just drops a good thing they've got coming to them. How long have we been f**king each other? 6 months? and after all that and even just having sex a week ago you text me and say you're done?" the women then turns her attention to Jo. " tell me honey, what special position did you break out to win him over hmm? maybe we should have a threesome because sooner or later he'll realize that you cant give it to him like i can" Jo looked like she was about to burst into tears. I really felt bad for making her go out with Sawyer now that this was happening.

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