Chapter 1

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Hey anyone reading!

This is my very first story soo I'm really excited/nervous about putting this up. I'm not much of a writer, i prefer to read stories but i decided that I might try posting one of my own. If this story resembles another one that you have read I have in no way stole anything from anyone! this story I'm writing is completely different from the things i choose to read here on watt pad so please don't accuse me of stealing!

anyway the story is not completely R just a couple chapters later on but I will let you know when those come up and it may start off slow  but i hope it gets better so bare with me :) first chapter i think is long? don't know yet, but enjoy :)

Photo of Gabrielle Union as Noelle   ----->------>------>

~~*~~ Chapter 1 ~~*~~

 "Breath Noelle! Just breath!" my best friend Carmen encouraged.

"I cant!" I exclaimed. " I don't know why i let you talk me into going on that double date! I told you i needed to study!!". 

I knew the exam was worth forty percent of my grade but for some reason i let Carmen crawl into my head and manipulate me into doing her bidding. I know I shouldn't be surprised. That's just what Carmen does. Whines and complains and makes you feel bad until you give in. I mean she isn't the loud Latina of the group for nothing. We love her anyway though.

" Ugh Noelle! ¡cálmate! Calm down! I thought I was really into the guy. Besides, you got a B! I thought you were going to start doing stuff to defy your parents? Getting a B is not off to a good start." Carmen stated.

"I got exactly eighty percent! that's almost a C! and I am trying to defy my parents" i stated. " But getting good grades is something important to me. Getting into Colorado state's veterinary medical program isn't easy. You know its my dream to go there and getting almost Cs isn't going to cut it!"

" OK fine! i'm sorry. To make up for it i'll help you study for your next one." The clock tower chime, interrupting Carmen's words, letting everyone know its eleven o'clock. " Shit! I'm late! I'll meet up with you and Jo later for lunch. I gotta go!" Carmen yelled running to her next class.

i make my way towards the library to meet up with Jo so we can study for the class we have together before we go to lunch with Carmen. Jo is the third and final member of our group. BMW (Black, Mexican, White). We dubbed ourselves BMW when we all first met in high school. Jo and i met first. Josephine Stewart is her full name. Shes the brainy and studious one of the group. we were put together for a class assignment and sort of hit it off right away. she was a little embarrassed to talk to me, but i finally got her to open up. About half way through the semester, Carmen Hernandez transferred into our school and into our class. The teacher said she needed a group to join and being the better people, Jo and i let her in. Right away Carmen started trying to make changes to our project. If there's one thing Jo cant stand, its people messing up her education. Jo and Carmen argued about the assignment. I had to eventually intervene and find a solution that made both of them happy. We got 100% on that assignment and have been inseparable ever since.

Entering the library i make my over to our study table that Jo is already at looking quite annoyed. Next to her is a cute guy that's trying to get her attention but Jo wont give him the time of day. That's one thing I love about Jo. If she not interested, shes not interested. No if, ands, or but about it. Me, I taking pity on guys and talk to them even if I'm not interested hoping they just want to be friends.

" I'm not going to go away until you look at me and change your answer" I hear the cute guy say as I'm walking up to them.

" Hey Jo" I say sitting down in my seat " Listen, um.......dude" he turns to me with a smirk on his face, " When my friend here makes up her mind about something, she rarely changes her decision. And she definitely wont change it for some one she doesn't even know. Sorry but, you're wasting your time" I finish trying to ease the rejection on him. 

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