chapter 8

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Hey guys! sorry its been a super long time since I updated but since the semester is coming to an end i have a little more time.

There are some famous people mentioned in this chapter that you might not know who they are, i suggest you look them up to get the full effect. Enjoy!


"Great! Ill see you two on Saturday" and with that he was off.

I looked at Adin. He stood there glaring at me. "What?"

his gaze softened." Nothing, just nothing. Hurry up and get your skates off we need to go NOW!"

"Why? whats so urgent?" I Jumped up to follow behind him.

he stopped and turned towards me smiling. " Party planning."



~~*~~ Chapter 8 ~~*~~

"No, NO, NO WAY! Absolutely not!"

" I don't care what you say, thats what I'm going with."

"I swear Adin if you make that the theme for this party, then everyone is going to think you're a big fat liar when i don't show up!"

Adin and I left the ice rink right after our run it with Kent and went to a coffee house to start our party planing. At first he had insisted on going to his house so we could get comfortable and relax but i still don't trust him enough. For the past two hours we have been trying to come up with a theme for his party. I thought wanting to have a themed party died about the time a child turned 10, but according to Adin every great party has a theme.

" Why are you so against my themes?" He asks as if he really doesn't get it.

".....Seriously? Hmm lets see. you came up with CEO's and Office Hoes, Gi Joe and Army Hoes,Golf Pros and Tennis Hoes, Yoga Hoes and Workout Bros and Pimps and Hoes. Can you please come up with a theme that doesn't have the word hoe in it?!"

" 10 minutes before a porno?"

"THAT'S THE SAME DAMN THING!!! Its degrading and sexist! Not all women are hoes and pornstars!

"Alright then miss perfect party planner, what do you have in mind?"

" Well lets see. You could have a toga party?"

" too generic"

" Okay. how about a decade party or a music theme party?"

" too high school"

"Ugh fine. What about a murder mystery or a famous who party?"

"No the murder mystery requires way too much work. Whats a famous who party?"

"Its when you dress up as any famous person you want but you cant tell anyone who you are, they have to guess."

"Ok sounds kind of interesting but what happens if they don't guess correctly?"


" If someone cant guess who you are whats the punishment? We need to do something to make this party interesting"

"I-I don't know. I never really thought about it. If they get it wrong I guess we could make them do someth-"

"Shots" Adin said before I could get the words out of my mouth.

I groan. I really don't want to have to study up on my celebrities so i don't have to do any shots but the start to a perfect fake relationship is compromise. This is going to be the longest party of my life.

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