Chapter 9

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Hey guys! trying to write and update as many as possible before my schedule picks up again. starts off kind of serious but gets funnier towards the end.


Kent held me against his chest, smirking. "What if I don't?"

Adin let out a feral growl as he jerked me away from Kent. Yep, definitely going to have whiplash and probably a dislocated arm. He then proceeded to thrust me in the general direction of Jo and Sawyer who had now turned to watch with concerned faces. Thankfully Josephine caught me.

I was turning around to scold the two boys for acting like cavemen, when i see Adin's fist fly towards Kent's face.



~~*~~ Chapter 9 ~~*~~

I stood there shocked not knowing what to do. I had never seen two people fist fighting before, let alone that it was over me. The fight by now was full fledged. After Adin threw the first punch, Kent came back at him tackling him into what looked like a very expensive coffee table that had now been reduced to fire wood. Sawyer and some random guy had joined in trying to pry the two away from each other, but nothing was working. The fight was steadily getting bigger and bigger as they continued to break more stuff. At that point Jo had started getting worried and tried to pull me away from all the action but i wouldn't move. I couldn't. Something was keeping me drawn to that spot. A feeling of gallantry because two hot men were still fighting over me, slight vexation because this fight was being drawn out, and distress. why was i so uneasy? I knew i didn't want either one of them to get really hurt but deep down i knew i cared for one more then the other. I just didn't know which one. I was too caught in my thoughts to see Kent's body flying towards me. the next thing i knew I'm on the ground with Kent's body on top of me.

Kent smiles at me " thanks for breaking my fall".

I scoffed. "Trust me it was unintentional" I said as Kent pulled me up. Adin stood there panting with more rage and pain in his eyes then there should have been.

"You're on his side?" Adin said almost inaudibly, still breathing hard trying to catch his breath.

I started to reply. " Adin what are you talking about? I'm no--"

" What the hell is wrong with you man?! Did you not just see what happened? You knocked me into her and we fell. You're making something out of nothing. You're angry for no reason. I don't see what she sees in you. she can do bet--" before Kent could even finish Adin had him back on the ground continuously punching him in the the face. Sawyer tried once agin to pull Adin on but he just turned and punched Sawyer then went back to punching Kent. Nobody dared to touch Adin now.

frozen. i wasn't able to move again not because of what Adin was doing to Kent but because of the emotions dancing across Adin face; bitterness, betrayal, hurt, misery. This wasn't about me anymore. this was something deeper. i was terrified.

The room was silent other then being able to hear Kent getting pummeled. I walk closer to Adin but still keep my distance. i need to stop this.

"Adin" i call but he chooses to ignore me still concentrating on Kent. By this point Kent had stopped trying to fight back. I try again.

"Adin please" my voice cracks which causes Adin to continue punching but now even harder. I stand hesitant to try what I'm thinking but this needs to end.

I close the distance between me and him, kneeling down wrapping my arms around his torso and laying my head on his shoulder. I whispered " You're scaring me"

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