Twenty two

18 2 1

Mia smiled as she woke up in bed, she realised that she was alone and stood from the bed and sighed as she lord to see cal as he stood in the sitting room with Aaliyah. She looked to him and smiled as she walked over to him and leant in and kissed him

"how is she" Mia asked as he looked to her and smiled

"she is good, I know it is messy but it will be okay" he said as she looked to him and smiled

"I know but I know that you are worried over since you handed over your rights for alexia baby but it will be okay and I am here for you to help you get through it" she said as he looked to her and smiled

"I know and I love you and I really appreciate all that you have done for me as I love you" he said as she smiled.

She knew it was a mess and she knew the stress that come with alexia and cal and she knew cal had tried his nest so that he could be there and she knew he loved her and Aaliyah and that he was trying to do his best to be there but she also knew how hard it was and she knew that she would do anything to be with him and build the happy family that they both wanted and knew just how impossible it seemed   
Mia smiled as she walked into work with Aaliyah and saw alexia who looked to her and smiled

"are you okay" alexia asked as Mia smiled

"I guess I tried I mean cal and I are trying. We are trying to make it work but it is hard and I love cal and I want us to be a family but I still feel unsure over the whole situation" Mia said as alexia looked to her and smiled

"yeah I know you have been through a lot and that means me but I didn't mean to come between you but you and cal are good together and you are parents and I know how hard it was for him to hand over his rights but it will be okay and you and cal will be and you are a family. How and I know it's hard and I know part of you won't trust him still but are good together and you have a child together and in a way you have to make it Work if you can" alexia said as Mia looked to her and smiled hoping that she was right as she knew just how much that she and cal had really been through and how much she loved him and wanted to make it work as he meant everything to her even though it seemed impossible to admit.

Mia knew that cal and Aaliyah were the only thing that mattered to her right now

Mia smiled as she got back to the flat and saw cal, she looked to see him and smiled as she looked to him as he set Aaliyah down for a nap. She  looked to him and smiled as she leant in and kissed him

"is everything okay" cal asked as she looked to him and smiled

"it's good all I know is that it's all messy but I know I love you and I want to make it work" she said as he pulled her close and kissed her but would  it be that easy?

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