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Mia looked as she was wheeled into the NICU by cal. She frowned as she was pushed up to an incubator that had loads of tubes coming out of their baby. Their baby girl.

Mia placed her hand on the incubator as she felt the tears roll down her face as she looked to her baby as she looked to see just how small and fragile. She was so small, Mia felt herself start to cry

"hey it's okay" cal said as Mia looked to him and shock her head

"no, it's not. I should still be pregnant with her. She's so small and tiny, your a doctor call I was just past the point they can bring her back if she stopped breathing. It's not fair, we know she might not make it" Mia said as cal looked to she and smiled

"I know but we can't think that way, she is our daughter. Our baby and we have to think that she is going to be okay, we need to be positive" cal said as he placed a hand on her shoulder, she looked to him and smiled.

Mia knew she and cal weren't back together but they were together for their baby. Mia knew that their baby needed them to be together and to be strong.

"We can't even transfer her, she's not strong enough" Mia said as cal smiled

"No, we can't but she is our little girl and we need to be positive. We need t o be there for her and when she is strong enough we will get her transferred to holby okay?" Cal said as Mia looked to him and nodded

Mia was scared. All that she felt was fear as she looked to her little baby. She felt the tears in her eyes. Mia felt so weak and powerless knowing that there was nothing that she could do for her baby.

Mia just wanted her to be okay and to get better "we need to think of a name" cal said as Mia nodded

"I know"

Mia sat in her hospital room and smiled as alexia walked in "I'm sorry, I told iain and he overheard" she said as Mia looked to her sister and smiled

"you don't need to worry, okay. I know that you didn't do it on purpose and you didn't tell him not directly and I need him here for the baby" Mia said as alexia looked to her and smiled as she walked over to her

"are you okay?" Alexia asked as Mia shock her head

"my baby could die at any moment and I'm scared. Im scared to sit with her and get close with her in case she dies" Mia said as she started to cry.

Alexia looked to her and smiled "she's your baby and no matter what if she does it will destroy you and if your not by her side with her you will blame yourself. Your her mum and you are all that she had known and she needs you" Alexia said as Mia looked to her and smiled.

Mia knew that she was right but she was terrified, she was terrified that her daughter was going to die before she even held her and the thought of it broke her heart

Mia didn't know if she could go through with it but she couldn't Leave her baby alone


Mia sat in the nicu and smiled as she looked to see cal as he walked in "how is she?" Cal asked as she looked to him and smiled

"she's a warrior, I thought that we could call her Gracie?" Mia asked as cal looked to her and smiled as he kissed the top of her head

"it's perfect" cal said as he looked to his baby.

Cal knew he wanted Mia back but with gracie being so ill would it be the right time to win Mia back and would gracie be okay?

I still need you {Casualty}Where stories live. Discover now