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Mia had decided to stop around on holby. She had gotten her old job back as a nurse at holby. Mia knew that she was excited to be getting back to a job that she loved but she also knew that she was dreading working with cal everyday. She knew he wanted her back and Mia knew that cal wasn't going to give up on trying to win her back. Mia was still mad at cal for cheating on her and knew she wasn't going to forgive him for what he did.

Mia got to the ED and sighed as she spotted cal. He walked over to her as she pulled her hair into a ponytail, cal followed her into he staffroom and smirked to her "it's good to have you back and I forgot just how good you look in your scrubs" he said as she looked to him and smirked. She ran a hand through her before she turned to face him and glared "I'm not here for you cal, believe it or not I couldn't care less if you dropped off the face of the earth. I am here for my dad and my dad only and here is no way in hell that I have any intention of falling back in love with you again" Mia said as cal looked to her and smirked "you say that but I think I'll have you back in my bed by the end of the week" cal said as Mia looked to him and glared as she walked out of the staffroom and past cal, the last thing that she wanted was to be near him.


Later that day, Mia stood on the ED as Iain walked over to her and smiled "it's good to have you back" he said as she looked to him and smiled "it's good to be back. Well just about" Mia said as she looked to cal who stood watching them across the ED "is he still bothering you?" Iain asked as Mia looked to him and smiled "oh you know that cal is like, he only wants you because you don't want him and it's driving him crazy" Iain said as Mia looked over to cal and smirked as she saw just how jealous that cal was over the fact she was talking to Iain. Mia smirked to herself as Iain looked to her "I'm glad that your back, things got a lot more interesting" Iain said as Mia looked to him and chuckled.


Later that day, Mia walked down the hall and frowned as she heard cal walking over exes and what hard work they were. She rolled her eyes as he showed off to lofty "well it's nice to see what you finally think of me" Mia said as cal turned around to look at her and sighed "Mia" he said as she walked off. He walked off after her and grabbed her arm and pulled her into the on call room and looked to her and smiled "I didn't mean you Mia, your the one ex that I can't let go off, I can't seem to get you out of my head" he said as Mia looked to him.

Mia looked to him and leant in and kissed him. He grabbed her waist and pulled him close and kissed her. He pushed her onto the bed and climbed on top of her as they stripped off. She moaned as she felt just how turned on that he was before he pulled her close and pushed into her causing her to moan as he started to move in and out of her. Once they reached their high, Mia looked to cal and sighed"this meant noting cal, it was just sex" Mia said as cal looked to her and nodded,

I still need you {Casualty}Where stories live. Discover now