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Mia sighed to herself as she placed her phone down. She paled slightly as she heard the news. Connie had just told her. That her father had selflessly risked his life to safe someone else and now his life hanged in the balance. She walked over to her wardrobe and grabbed her bags packing all of her stuff. Mia and Charlie was close, Mias mum had died during child birth, leaving it to Charlie to raise her and he had always done his best for her, he had always protected her as best as he could. That was until a year ago. Mia use to work at holby ED with Charlie. She was a nurse and she had met Cal knight. She fell in love with him when he started working at the ED. But he had cheated on her and broke her heart. It was when Mia left, she couldnt stay and Charlie hated letting mia go but did it for her. Mia knew that she needed to return. She needed to be there for her dad, her only parent. She finished packing her bag and sighed as she grabbed it and walked to her car. She threw her bags in the boot of the car and sighed to herself as she got into the car and drove off to the ED.


Mia got to the ED and walked in. She walked to reception and sighed "can i help you?" a sour faced girl asked behind reception. Noel walked over and smiled "mia? are you here to see your dad?" he aksed as she nodded "how is he?" she asked "not good, come on Connie is expecting you" he said as he lead her through to resus. She stood in the doorway and felt tears in her eyes as she looked to him lying on a bed, looking weak. She felt a tear rolled down her face "he will be okay?" mia heard someone say. She turned and looked to see Duffy "Duffy?" she said as he looked to her and smiled "hi mia, your dad is strong, you know that he will be okay" Duffy said as Mia nodded. She ran a hand through her hair and sighed. 

Mia frowned as she spotted al as he stood flirting with a nurse. She shot him a glare feeling the anger she had a year ago rise. She knew he hadn't changed. He looked up and made eye contact with mia before he walked over to her mia? your back?" he asked as she crossed her arms over her chest and sighed "of course i am, my dad needs me its not as if i came back to you, why would i. Your the prick that cheated and broke my heart, there is no chance i came back for you" mia said as she walked off. Cal looked to her and sighed. She was the same mia he feel in love with, the mia who had the feisty attitude and the mia that he wanted back.


Mia walked into the Resus and looked to her dad, he was stable for now. She took his hand and looked to him and smiled "im here dad, and im not going anywhere"  she said as she looked to him and smiled.

I still need you {Casualty}Where stories live. Discover now