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Mia walked into work and smirked to herself as she saw Connie who stood with Jacob. They stood flirting as Mia looked to them and smirked. She watched as Jacob walked off and walked over to Connie and smiled "you two look cosy, is there something going on there?" Mia asked as Connie looked down to the young girl that she had watched grow up and smiled "of course not, me and a nurse can you imagine it?" Connie said as Mia chuckled and looked to her and smiled "there's nothing wrong with nurses, I'm a great nurse like my father and he may even make you happy" Mia said as Connie looked to her and smiled. "It's nothing, how is your father I've called him but he never answers my calls?" Connie asked as Mia looked to her and smiled "he never answers but he's fine. He's always fine" Mia said as Connie looked to her and smiled. Mia spotted cal across the ED and sighed to herself. She knew that her plan to stay away from him was flailing but knew it was best if she did stay away from him.


Later that day, Mia walked into the staffroom and sighed as she ran her hands through her hair "hey" she heard someone say as she jumped and turned around and saw Iain who was sitting on the floor. She looked to him and smiled "I heard about the accident, are you okay?" She asked as he looked to her and sighed "no, I don't know. I can't stop thinking about it and picturing it in my head" he said as she bend down next to him and placed a hand on top of his and smiled "I'm here if you want to talk" she said as she hugged him.

Cal walked into the room and frowned as she saw Mia and Iain. He looked to them and glared as he saw Mia and Iain. He was jealous seeing Mia with Iain. Mia smiled to Iain and sighed as she saw cal who was watching them "I better get back" Iain said "sure" Mia said to him as cal walked over to her "is there something going on?" Cal asked as Mia looked to him and rolled her eyes at him as she walked out of the room "Mia I am talking to you" he said as she looked to him "no and if there was its none of your business, your not my boyfriend anymore" she spat as they started to argue just as a gunshot went off in the ED as cal pulled Mia close trying to protect her.


Mia stood outside in the car park and sighed as she looked to cal. She looked to him and sighed "I'm sorry, I'm sorry for everything but you should know that I have fallen back in love with you" he said as she looked to him and frowned "Cal" "I'm ran it, I love you and I think you feel the same" he said as she sighed and looked to him "go and fall in love with someone else" she said as she went to walk off as he looked to her and sighed.

Cal walked off after Mia as the crowds where clear. He followed her into the staffroom causing her to groan in frustration "I am not giving up on you. I love you" cal said as she turned to face him and walked over to him and kissed him. He pulled her close and kissed her back before she pulled away "your right, I do love you. But I just don't like or trust you" Mia said as she walked out of the room, Leaving cal feeling hurt.

I still need you {Casualty}Where stories live. Discover now