Thirty One

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Mia knew how Cal wanted to take a DNA test. But Taylor had disappeared with the baby. She knew that it was the proof she needed to know that the baby wasn't Cal's.

It pained her to see how Cal was hurt over how he had been lied to. She knew he had always wanted a big family. To be the dad he never had.

Despite how hard things were, both Mia and Cal were making it work for Aaliyah's sake. She needed them both. She was their little girl.

Mia knew how much she and Cal had overcome. She had overcome him getting her sister pregnant. Everyone had moved on from that. And slowly but surely they were getting over the whole Taylor situation too.

She knew she saw how upset cal was when he thought he had gotten Taylor pregnant. He felt as though Mia was going to leave him. But she didn't. She stood by his side.

She loved him and that's all that mattered to either of them. Aaliyah was their little girl. And both of them were adamant they weren't going to let anything come between them again.

Mia had slowly but surely completely forgiven cal for getting Alexa pregnant. They were all moving on. They were all happy. Cal had been spending time with Bella too. He loved seeing her.

Part of Mia had wondered about what would happen if Cal had signed his rights away. But she didn't want to think about that. She was happy. And she was going to do what she could to make it last.

She wanted the best for her little girl. She had always wanted nothing. But the best for her.

All she knew was that her life was finally on track. And she was excited to see what the future had in store for her.

When she woke, she saw Cal sitting on the bed. Aaliyah next to him. She smiled. "When did she come in?" She asked.

"I fetched her in around an hour ago. She fell asleep. But I didn't go back," Cal said.

Mia nodded and smiled. She looked to him. "I love you."

"Love you too."

Mia and Cal went into work. Alexa walked over as Cal walked off. She frowned. "Is he taking this Taylor thing hard still?" She asked.

Mia nodded. "I feel so bad for him. I just... I wish there was something I could do for him. And I don't know what it is," she told her.

"You just have to talk to him Mia. Make him see that Taylor is just a head mess," Alexa said.

Mia knew her sister was right. But she was struggling to see how she could make Cal understand that Taylor wasn't being honest.

Mia smiled as she saw Cal walking out of a cubicle. She looked to him. "Hey. Are you okay?" She asked.

Cal nodded. He held her close and kissed her. He sighed. "Do you want to get out of here? Just us and Aaliyah? I need a break from Holby. And all the bad it has to offer," he said.

"We can book somewhere if you want to babe."

Cal nodded and walked off. Mia stood there and sighed. Unaware of how things were about to change with them both.

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