The Hero Faction

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A/N:I'm making the beginning an Ikki x Xenovia moment😉😉

Ikki wakes up and finds himself not in his hotel room he finds himself at the Kurogane house on his bed in his black boxers

Ikki wakes up and finds himself not in his hotel room he finds himself at the Kurogane house on his bed in his black boxers

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Ikki:Huh? Where am I? Wasn't I in a hotel room? And where are my clothes

???:Oh Ikki~

Ikki turns to his left to find Rias laying on his side completely in the nude and with a seductive face

Ikki turns to his left to find Rias laying on his side completely in the nude and with a seductive face

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Ikki:R-Rias what are you doing here?

Rias places her finger on his lips

Rias:Shhhhhh Ikki~ .....It's time

Ikki:Time for what?

Rias:Its time for us to make love~please my darling~I want to be with you~

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Rias:Its time for us to make love~please my darling~I want to be with you~

Ikki:(She...She said it!!..Okay! Okay! Breathe Ikki! Just get in there and do it)

Ikki breathes and makes his decision

Ikki breathes and makes his decision

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