The Final Rating Game Begins

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The time for The Rating Game has come. The ORC arrive to The Floating City of Agares. They arrive at the venue where they will be staying thanks to Ravel and her assistants When they arrive they meet a robe wearing skeleton standing in the middle of multiple hooded skeletons

 They arrive at the venue where they will be staying thanks to Ravel and her assistants When they arrive they meet a robe wearing skeleton standing in the middle of multiple hooded skeletons

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Azazel:Well, if it isn't the god who rule over the dead of the netherworld. Hello Sir Hades, what brings such an avid devil and angel hater such as yourself here

Hades laughs

Hades:I can't help it! You crows have been squawking so incessantly I had to see what all the noise was about.

Hades looks at Ikki and Issei

Hades:It's nice to see The Darkness Dragon and The Welsh Dragon. I will admit that I miss watching you two and The Vanishing Dragon run wild in the depths of Hell it gets rather dull without you. At least tonight's match should be entertaining. You two do me a favor and try not to die, I don't want to have to reap your souls.

Ikki stares back at Hades

Ikki:Trust me, you'll never get that chance

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Ikki:Trust me, you'll never get that chance.

At the venue

Ikki:Putting Hades aside, I'm actually surprised that Lord Zeus and Lord Poseidon are going to be there

Azazel:I'm not that's how much attention this game is getting

The door opens

???:Excuse me...hello


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