Team Gremory vs Team Sairaorg

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Team Gremory walks into view and the crowd cheers loudly for them and from the stands Irina and Ravel were cheering for them along with the children in the audience.

Team Gremory walks into view and the crowd cheers loudly for them and from the stands Irina and Ravel were cheering for them along with the children in the audience

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Naud:How's everybody doing this fine evening? I am Naud Gamigin, your announcer for the rating game. Allow me to take a moment to present the arbiter for the game. Give it up for Rudiger Rosenkreutz!

Naud:We also have a few special guests

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Naud:We also have a few special guests. Welcome one of our commentators you know him as The Governor General of The Fallen Angels it's Azazel! We also have with us the current champion of the rating game it's

 Welcome one of our commentators you know him as The Governor General of The Fallen Angels it's Azazel! We also have with us the current champion of the rating game it's

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Naud:Diehauser Belial!

In the less populated parts of the Stadium a familiar man in a gray and back hoodie with a silver katana appears and stands alone in the crowd

In the less populated parts of the Stadium a familiar man in a gray and back hoodie with a silver katana appears and stands alone in the crowd

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