Akio vs Bakugo

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Narrator POV

Iida led Momo, Uraraka and Tsu down another part of the fake city in search for the bomb. "You sure it was a good idea to leave Akio to fight Bakugo alone? We all saw how Deku was after our fight." Uraraka said. "I know how you feel but if he thinks he can take Bakugo on than I'm not one to argue about it." Iida said. "Plus he came here on recommendations and didn't have to do the entrance exam. We're only seeing his Quirk now and judging by what happened yesterday, he seems pretty strong." Momo added. Then they heard multiple explosions off in the distance. "Sounds like they're already fighting. And it sounds like a big fight too." Tsu said. "Come on. We shouldn't waste time. Akio gave us the opportunity to find the bomb while he took on Bakugo. Lets not fail him." Iida said. "Don't worry Iida! Lets win this together!" Uraraka said and everyone agreed.

Your POV

After you and Bakugo clashed a huge explosion was set off sending both of you back. You fired your pistols at him and he jumped out of the way. "I over heard you talking about those things to pinky. You won't get me with those things." Bakugo said. "Well then I guess hand to hand it is then." You said as you put your pistols in your holsters. "Ha! You think you can get anywhere close to me with my Quirk. I bet you can't." Bakugo said. "I smell a challenge." You said running at him. Bakugo fired explosives at you and you dodged his attacks still running at him. You threw a wave of fire at him making him dodge your attack. Once you got close you grabbed his arm and elbowed him in the gut. You then kneed him in the gut and threw him into a building. Bakugo walked out of the rubble laughing. "So if you're here, I suppose the other extras are going after the bomb. You think they can do it?" Bakugo said. "I don't know. I don't fully trust them yet but judging by their skills they can hold their own. I'm just here to fight you." You said. "Then Bring it already. SO YOU CAN DIE!!" Bakugo shouted and you both ran at each other following another explosion.

Bakugo landed backwards and charged forward again. You were about to counter when he fired a small explosion to his side making him change direction. You looked to your left and saw him fire another explosion behind him launching at you and kicking you in the side sending you back to a street railing. Before Bakugo could attack you again. You flipped over the railing and flew in the air. You landed on the side of a building and pushed off and punched him in the face. Then you grabbed his arm and slammed him into the street. Bakugo got up and launched himself at you. "BASTARD!!!" He yelled as you charged at him.

Narrator POV

Everyone in the monitor room watched as Akio and Bakugo fought a heated battle with each other. "I don't understand why Akio went off on his own to take on Bakugo. They all stood with each other to fight him and not dividing." Ashido said. "This is how a team leader acts. Taking on the biggest threat and trusting his team to handle things from here on out. Perfect strategy." All Might said. "So All Might? Why were you one of the people who recommended him to come to UA?" Ashido asked. "It's not really my place to say actually. Young Akio wanted to keep it a secret for now not wanting everyone to know a lot about him." All Might said. "Huh? Strange. So he's the type of person who keeps to himself." Todoroki said. "Well this is first we're seeing of him and he is doing great against Bakugo." Sero said. "Yeah. I don't see him being the weakling at all in this whole match." Ashido added

Your POV

You and Bakugo attacked each other with explosion after explosion following with fire. You ran up to him delivering a big punch in the face. Bakugo counters by grabbing your arm and throwing you into a metal post. You got up and charged at Bakugo again dodging his hand kicking it aside and then kicked him in the gut. Once he was in the air, you put both your fist together and fired a massive fire wave at Bakugo. Bakugo covered his face and landed on the ground. "Hehe. Bastard. You got me all excited now! Remember that attack I pulled on Deku. I don't care if it's in or outdoors I'll still use it to defeat you. All the sweat that I worked up is being gathered into these gauntlets. My sweat works like nitroglycerin." Bakugo said as he raised his arm. "DIE!!!" Once he pulled the clip, a big wave of fire and explosions came at you. 'Shit!' You put your hands up and shot a heat wave at it making the explosion bigger.

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