Villian Attack

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Your POV

After the attack you were pushes into a tree hard and fell to the ground making your mask break and fall off. "AKIO!!!" Momo and Jiro shouted running to you. You sat up and looked at the attacker with wide eyes.

"How many Nomu do those guys have?!" You shouted getting up

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"How many Nomu do those guys have?!" You shouted getting up. The Nomu was about to attack again until jumped up grabbing it's head and slamming it into the ground. One of it's chainsaw arms was about to swing at you until you dodged it. The Nomu roared and ran at you with it's chainsaw arms in front of it. As it came close you slid under it you then pulled your arm back and punched the Nomu hard in the gut making it fly back into the distance and out of sight. "That wasn't enough to finish it off. It'll be back." You said.

"Akio. You're bleeding." Momo said. It was then you looked down at your arm and noticed a deep cut with blood coming out. "It's fine." You said as flames came off your arm and healed you completely. "We need to find out what's going on." You said.

"Hey! Anyone over here!" Someone shouted. You looked behind you and saw Tetsutetsu from Class B holding an unconscious Ibara in his arms. "Tetsutetsu! What happened to Ibara?" Momo asked. "She was knocked out by this gas stuff floating in the air. Wait is that Awase! What happened to him?!" Tetsutetsu asked. "He was attacked by the same freak shows that were at the USJ and in Hosu." You said. "Where is it?! I'll tear it apart!" He shouted. "Calm down. It's gone but it'll be back. We need to find out what's going on." Momo said. Then you heard Mandalay in your head.

"Attention all Students! Villains have attacked the training camp. We're holding off some of them at the moment! Head back to camp and do not engage the enemy!"

"Villains? But how did they find this place?" Jiro asked. "Akio? What do we do?" Momo asked you. You looked down for at your hand. 'If villains are here, does that mean you're here too Kiba?' You thought as you looked at the others. "Momo make more of those mask for Tetsutetsu." You told her. "Sure thing." Momo said as she lift her shirt up for more mask to come out of her skin. "Tetsutetsu. Take those mask with you and go find the rest of your class." You told him. He nodded and grabbed some of the mask putting one on for himself and another on for Ibara. "What are you gonna do?" Tetsutetsu asked. You grabbed Awase and threw him over your shoulder. "I'm taking these three back to the camp. Just focus on finding your class." You said. "Okay. Good luck!" Tetsutetsu said as he ran in a different direction. "Akio don't you need a mask too?" Momo asked. "The gas isn't affecting me that much so I should be fine. Come on. I'm taking you guys back to camp." You said and they nodded following you.

3rd POV

"Don't worry Kota, everything's gonna be fine. I'm going to save you!"

Deku was now on top of a small mountain near a cave where Kota's hideout is as he stood in between Kota and the villain known as Muscular.

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