Akio Vs Dabi

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Your POV

"After the stunt you pulled, I'd love to kick your ass." You said as your eyes glowed red.

You and Dabi stared each other down in silence until Dabi spoke up. "I am curious about something. How will you fight me if you have them to protect?" Dabi asked. You looked back at Momo who was still on the ground clutching her injured arm, Jiro who was next to her trying to console her and Awase who was still unconscious. Then out of nowhere Dabi tried to hit you with his flames while you wasn't looking. You quickly blocked the flames with your hands as the flames deflected to both of your sides. You heard Momo and Jiro yelp from behind you. 'Shit! I hate to admit it but he's right. I can't fight him while making sure they don't get hurt. I have to make sure they don't get hurt on my watch. This is gonna be harder than I thought'

Dabi continued his assault on you as you blocked and deflected his attacks making sure none of them get past you. Blue flames from Dabi came at you nonstop. "This is no fun. Why are trying to protect those weak pathetic kids instead of worrying about yourself." Dabi said. "Well I don't have a choice at the moment. One of them is injured one of them is unconscious and the other can't do a lot in a fight. But that doesn't mean I'm gonna let you kill them." You said. "Whatever." Dabi said as more blue flames were shot at you but you blocked them.

"Akio we have to get out of here. He's right you can't defend us and yourself. We should run while we can." Momo said. "Even if I would consider that, I would have to carry you and Awase leaving myself unguarded for an attack from Stitches. We can't run. I have to fight." You said. "Akio...." Momo said looking down. You looked back at her. "Quit worrying about me. Just worry about yourself. Try not to move so much with your injured arm." You said.

"That's nice and all but you should try and focus on the fight in front of you." Dabi said as he shot blue flames at you but you blocked them. Suddenly the ground started to shake as you heard a rumbling noise off in the distance. "What the hell was that?" Dabi asked. "Akio? What was that?" Momo asked. You looked off in the direction where the sound came from. 'I don't know if they have anymore powerhouses on their team but I know only one other person from our class can make the ground shake like that. What are you doing kid?'

3rd POV/ Deku's location


After delivering one last final blow, Muscular was flown back into the rocky mountain wall knocking him unconscious. Deku stood tall against the villain but had two broken arms and blood going down his face from his head. Kota stared at him amazed as tears stop going down his face. Deku stumbled forward a little but kept his footing. "Hey!" Kota said worried as he ran over to him. "Everything's okay. Gimme a second, and then there's something I have to take care of." Deku said. "But you're all beat up! What more could you have to do now?" Kota asked.

"I knew he'd be strong. That's why I had to try and defeat him here. I thought I'd be able to inflict a lot more damage in the end though. Turns out, I seriously underestimate how powerful his Quirk was. If every villain attacking us tonight is on the same level, all our lives are at stake. On top of that, it sounds like they're after some of us students. I have to let Mr. Aizawa and the Pussycats know that's one of the reasons they're here. I may be injured but I'm not defeated yet, there are more people I can save." Deku said and looked at Kota. "Right now, I just need to make sure you're safe. Now get on my back. We need to get you to camp fast." Deku said. "You sure you can carry me? You're all busted up." Kota asked. "No need to worry. That's why I left my legs unbroken." Deku said as Kota got on his back and wrapped his arms around Deku's neck. "Hang on tight. This is gonna be rough." Deku said as he jumped off the mountain and ran as fast as he could to the camp.

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