Provisionals Phase 2

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(Any names I add from here on our are OCs and nothing more.)

Once the two Class A students passed, Akio and Todoroki entered the waiting room noticing multiple others have also passed. The two went to a bench near the wall to sit down. Akio told Todoroki he was taking nap while they wait for the rest of their class to pass. Todoroki nodded as he saw Akio quickly let sleep take over with his arms crossed as he leaned against the wall. Todoroki slightly smiled at his friend as he looked around at all the other students but couldn't help but noticed three pair of eyes looking at him and Akio and they all had glares on them.


Later on, Yaoyorozu and her group made it to the waiting area. They let out a sigh of relief knowing that they passed phase 1. As Jiro looked around, she noticed Todoroki and Akio sitting on a bench. Jiro perked up and ran over to them. "Akio! Todoroki!" She said once she was right in front of them as the others were right behind them. "Jiro. I see you all passed too. I'm glad. Akio fell asleep so he'll be out of it for a while." Todoroki said. "Heh, All he does is eat, train and sleep, so what can we expect." Yaoyorozu said. She then turned her head to see Kousetsu staring at her with a disgust glare. Yaoyorozu felt uncomfortable by the glare but gave him her own glare. Todoroki noticed the stare down between the two. "Yaoyorozu, did something happen involving him?" Todoroki asked. "Kousetsu and Tatsuki approached us during the initials." Yaoyorozu said. Todoroki frowned and stood up. "Did he try anything on any of you?" Todoroki asked. "Fortunately no." Shoji said. "But he was bad mouthing Akio the entire time." Asui said. "And Yaomomo slapped the taste out of his mouth. Nobody talks trash about her boy." Jiro teased making Yaoyorozu blush. "I-I just couldn't stand there and let him talk bad about Akio." She said. "Well as long as he didn't try anything it's okay." Todoroki said.

"Alright! You guys passed too!" They heard someone say as they turned to the voice to see Kirishima, Bakugo and Kaminari along with Midoriya, Uraraka and Sero. "Hah, I was wondering why Bakugo wasn't the first one here but since Jamming Way was with him then that explains a lot." Jiro teased Kaminari who had sweat drop from his head. "No need to be mean about it." Kaminari said. "So now that just leaves the rest of our class to pass." Midoriya said. "Don't worry, they'll pass." Uraraka said.

Soon, a bell was rung. "And that concludes phase 1 of the Provisionals. All students who have passed report to the waiting area for further instructions." The announcer said as Half of Class A looked to the TV screen to see the other half of their Class have also passed breathing out a sigh of relief.

Soon the rest of Class A entered the waiting area and was immediately greeted by their classmates as they cheered for their success.

All the students talked amongst themselves for the remainder of the time. Class A was gathered around the food table grabbing some plates while discussing with each other. What they didn't notice is Kousetsu walked towards Akio who was still napping on the bench. Kousetsu crossed his arms and smirked. "You sit there like you don't have a care in the world. But you won't be so relaxed once I'm through with you. I'm gonna kick your ass in the next phases, you disgrace." He said but the only response he got was Akio snoring lightly.

"You should leave him be." Someone said. Kousetsu turned his head to see Iida with his arms crossed. "What did you say to me?" Kousetsu asked. "Everyone is preparing for the next phases and here you are distracting one of my classmates. As Class A's Representative I can't allow--!" Kousetsu suddenly formed Lava-like claws on his fingers and went to strike Iida in the face, but Iida was suddenly pulled back only leaving a small cut on his face.

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