Getting Along in Battle

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Akio, Todoroki and Bakugo walked halfway into the area in search for their opponents. Bakugo was itching at the chance to go all out, Todoroki kept his guard up in case of a sneak attack, same as Akio who was in front of the two. Suddenly the ground started to shake below them and cave in on itself. The three students quickly dodged out of the way before the ground crumbled. "Heh, caught you by surprise didn't we." Someone said and the three looked up to see Shindo, Toteki, and Kenichi standing on a hill. "Time to show you UA egoist that you're not all that." Shindo said. Bakugo had a grin. "You damn Extras think looking down on us! DIE!" He said as he jumped at them. "Bakugo wait!" Todoroki called out but his call was ignored. Bakugo reached his hand out and let out an explosion. He smirked thinking he got them but once the dust cleared he saw Kenichi standing in front of his team with a smirk. Suddenly Toteki threw a rock at Bakugo knocking him to the ground.

"Ha! You won't be getting those explosions past me. My Quirk allows me to control the density of my body. And any attack thrown at me, I can send sight back!" Kenichi said as he dashed at Bakugo prepared to punch him. Bakugo did the same only for a massive thick wall of ice to block both of them. Bakugo jumped back and glared at Todoroki. "Watch it IcyHot!" He shouted. "He would've over powered you." Todoroki said as he had to block a piece of rubble thrown at him as it ricochet back towards Toteki. "Such an Elegant block. You won't be so lucky next time." He said as Shindo placed his hands on the ground causing the ground to vibrate again. This time Akio jumped up and fired a blast of heat at him only for Kenichi to stand in front of him blocking it. "I wonder what's UA's three biggest egos are gonna go against our team?" Shindo said. "You talk a lot of shit for someone hiding behind a wall." Akio retorted back as a tick mark grew on Shindo's head. Shindo slammed his hands to the ground making a giant boulder come out of the ground as Kenichi grabbed it and threw it at them. Akio was about to strike it until Bakugo pushed past him putting his palm on the boulder making it implode causing multiple rocks to fly past him and straight at Akio and Todoroki. Todoroki quickly shielded them both with his ice. "You Dumbass! Don't just blow it up as it's come down on us!" Akio shouted. "Who the hell you calling a dumbass?!" Bakugo shouted back but got distracted as Kenichi slammed his fist into Bakugo making him hit the ground hard.

Back in the stands Class A grew worried watching their classmates. "God, I knew this was gonna happen. Why can't those three ever get along when it matters?" Iida said out loud. "If they can't come together to win they won't survive." Midoriya added.

Todoroki, Akio and Bakugo had a hard time fighting off their opponents. With Shindo vibrating the ground disorienting them, Toteki throwing boomerangs made out of rocks at their heads and Kenichi stopping their attacks with his body. The trio was putting up a fight but couldn't get along as they constantly argued with each other about their attacks. Akio grew irritated and annoyed from this as the three were pushed back into a crater as the three other students stood over them. "Hehehe, looks like these egoist can't keep up with us. Let's end this." Shindo said. Kenichi cracked his knuckles with a smile. "Gladly!" He said. Suddenly before they could make a move, Akio fired a blast at the ground near them creating a smokescreen. He then grabbed both Todoroki and Bakugo and pulled them away. Once the smoke cleared everyone noticed that the three UA Students were gone.

Akio tossed Bakugo and Todoroki into a cave. "How the hell are we getting our asses kicked by these damn extra!?" Bakugo shouted in anger. "We wouldn't be losing if you would stop being a reckless moron." Todoroki stated. "Shut the hell up! You need to learn how to stay out of my way!" Bakugo said getting in his face.

Suddenly Akio approached the two and punched Bakugo in the face knocking him to one knee shocking Todoroki. "Akio...?" He asked. "I'm tired of both of your shit! This ends right now! Now that I got that outta my system, I think you need to get something out of your system too. I refuse to lose to these guys so we gotta get on the same page, you understand-!!!" Akio was cut off when Bakugo used his Quirk to punch Akio in the face making Akio lean back. Bakugo had a glare on his face but it slowly softened as he calmed down.

Akio gave out a chuckle as he looked at Bakugo as he spit a small bit of blood from his mouth. "Are we done?" Akio asked. All three looked at each other for a bit as Bakugo gave out a grunt.

Back in the arena, Shindo, Toteki and Kenichi were running around the arena looking for the UA Trio. Suddenly an ice wall formed in front of them. "You're going the wrong way!" Bakugo shouted as the three turned to see him along with Akio and Todoroki. "Done hiding? Lets end this." Shindo said. Bakugo then jumped up and as he did Todoroki formed ice under him launching him up in the air. "AP Shot: Auto Fire!" Bakugo fired multiple rounds of explosions at the three making Shindo and Toteki dodge for cover. Todoroki then create a wall of ice for Bakugo to land on as he skied across it releasing more AP shots.  Kenichi stood in front of his teammates to block as Shindo vibrated the ground underneath Bakugo. Before he could fall in, Akio grabbed his hand pulling him up. As he did he spun Bakugo around and used his Quirk to launch him at Kenichi. Once Bakugo was in range he unleashed an explosion in his face making Kenichi stumble back. Bakugo then landed on the ground and nodded at Akio who launched forward and tackled Kenichi into a thick Wall of Ice that Todoroki had just created for him.

"Whoa! These combo moves are insane!" Kirishima stated. "Fast pace joint attacks. Could they actually be working together?" Kaminari asked as the rest of class A looked in awe.

"I don't understand. Those three didn't couldn't work well enough early and we're losing. What change?" Ms. Joke said who was sitting next to Aizawa. "I think it's obvious what changed. All three members of my class has finally swallowed their pride and focused on their common enemy. They're strong on their own no doubt, but put them in the same team and they get on the same page. They'll be damn near unstoppable." Aizawa sdated with a proud smirk.

After Akio put Kenichi threw the thick ice wall, he nodded at Todoroki who created another wall separating the two from the others. "You're the most dangerous so you'll be taking out first." Akio said as he stared at Kenichi. "Heh, try all you want but you can't hurt me!" Kenichi said as went for a combo of attacks but Akio dodged all his strikes with ease with a bored look on his face. Akio went for a punch of his own and it made Kenichi stumble back. Akio then dashed forward and hit Kenichi with  multiple strikes to his chest and face making him stumble back. Kenichi growled and went for a punch but Akio caught it and kicked him in the gut. "I got something ready for you." Akio said as he raised his hand.

"Iai Chop; First Form..." A blade of flames ignited in Akio's palm as he readied to strike. "...Fire Moon." Akio swiped the air in front of Kenichi and a crescent shaped flame hit Kenichi in the chest breaking his density knocking him through the ice wall. Akio walked over to see Kenichi out cold and Toteki imprisoned in ice by Todoroki. Bakugo had Shindo backed against the wall. "Not bad." Akio said as Todoroki nodded. "Heh, light work." Bakugo added with a grin on his face.

"This doesn't make any sense! You three couldn't work together to stop us earlier! We had the win in the bag!" Shindo shouted. "You were never going to beat us. Powers like yours never stood a chance." Akio said as he looked at Bakugo who chuckled. "He's all yours." Bakugo said as he stepped back and crossed his arms. Akio approached Shindo who was scared. In a desperate attempt he went to punch Akio but Akio caught his punch with ease. "And just for the record, take a hint and realize that Momo Yaoyorozu is not interested in you." Akio stated as he punched Shindo hard in the gut knocking him out.

"UA's Class 1A wins." The announcer says as nurses entered the arena to grab the beaten students.

"Hah! I knew they could pull through in the end!" Kirishima said. "No doubts from me that Three of our strongest classmates were going to win. But I wish they didn't make us worry in the beginning." Yaoyorozu stated with a sigh of relief.

Akio, Bakugo and Todoroki were currently walking back to the stands. "Even though we started out poorly at first I'm still glad we pulled through and won in the end." Todoroki said. "Of course we won. Like hell I'll ever let extras make a name of themselves out of my expense." Bakugo stated. "Well regardless of that, You did good Bakugo." Todoroki said. Bakugo grunted softly. "Yeah, whatever." He said walking ahead with Todoroki following. Akio was behind them walking as he looked up to a certain blonde looking down at him with a glare. Akio gave him his own glare as he clicked his tongue and left leaving Kousetsu to still stare in disgust with both of them think the same thing.

'When it's our time, we'll settle this once and for all...'

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04 ⏰

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